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760 views. 2011-11-18 16:39

I didn't know what happened the other night. I kissed the girl that I had a crush for. I know she likes me too. I know there's something I've been longing for out of marriage. I thought that would be something to exite life, but it turned out to be not that easy to have it. Now, I'm totally occupied by her image, and the beautiful moment of kissing. I knew we both enjoy it and enjoy recalling the details. But at the same time, we're all tortured by what to do for next step. I don't mean divorce or anything. We both know this is for the sake of the feelings, we never thought of and would never allowe anything else to happen. We both treat it as a beautiful dream, and that's it. The only problem with me now is that too much energy is spent everyday thinking of her, tasting the sweetness of that dream. I think I'm a lucky one.

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Reply Jessico 2011-11-18 17:14
Are u married? Is the girl your lover or wife? Sorry for my misunderstanding. Anyway, enjoying the moment is really sweet
Reply samscri 2011-11-19 01:48
I am totally shocked!!! You kissed a female, not your wife, when you were still married...I'm not being critical, but that was an absolutely irresponsible action, not only to your wife, but also to that girl! I am not accusing, but if you do love that girl, do have the respect to your wife, your marriage, you could think about it before that kiss.......
Reply IMNONARCISSUS 2011-11-19 19:16
True? Why? Perhaps that is not sweet to your wife with whom once you fell in love with .
Reply everlast 2011-12-7 14:45
samscri: I am totally shocked!!!You kissed a female, not your wife, when you were still married...I'm not being critical, but that was an absolutely ir
I really appreciate you frankness, and I'm very open and honesty to this topic. All of your words ARE in my mind when I'm a normal person, but sometimes, the desire instead of ethnics takes charge of my life.  I don't know how many years you've been married, or you married at all. To men, it's so hard to quench the fire in the heart.
Reply everlast 2011-12-7 14:56
IMNONARCISSUS: True? Why? Perhaps that is not sweet to your wife with whom once you fell in love with .
longing for something different, that's why.
Reply everlast 2011-12-7 14:58
Jessico: Are u married? Is the girl your lover or wife? Sorry for my misunderstanding. Anyway, enjoying the moment is really sweet
that girl isn't my wife, just a normal girl. Yes, enjoying the moment is what was in my mind. thanks for your understanding.
Reply IMNONARCISSUS 2011-12-7 17:06
everlast: longing for something different, that's why.
Reply samscri 2011-12-10 01:41
That's called physical impulse! Not the love or like we usually called!
Reply samscri 2011-12-10 01:50
Someone once said something like this: She is my Muse and she is always gonna be...If one day I can satisfy myself with her, I'd find another way to fulfill it somewhere...But in my heart, in the reality, she is still my Muse...

I dont know what you'd think of that...but whatever you are doing, I cannot find any respect of love in it...No matter what it is, if you dont treat it respectly, then you dont have it nobly!
Reply everlast 2011-12-10 18:53
samscri: Someone once said something like this: She is my Muse and she is always gonna be...If one day I can satisfy myself with her, I'd find another way to f
My guess is right. You're a unmarried woman. and my next guess is you kind of believe in God, which gives you an innocent and beautiful mind.
I'm a man, married for 7 years. All of these years, I was a role model of someone, a loving husband good at cooking, a handsome man never had a thing with girls. But all of sudden... I lost myself. Or, in other words, part of me, deep inside of me, hibernating for long long time, woke up.
I'm not a bad person, and I've been looking up for a cure. And the reality is somewhat like what I've expected - most of men had same experience, and a reasonable man may just have onece and knows what to do for rest of life. Hope my words and my finding wouldn't hurt your blief in marriage, most are not all.
At last, we are human, and we have complicated feelings. sometimes you don't know what is ahead until you're there.
Reply samscri 2011-12-11 01:15
Maybe you don't love your wife anymore, may still like her, don't love the marriage life, don't love being a parent...I know people would be eaisly get bored of ordinary routine lives...but having an affair with someone else is absolutely not a cure for same as alcohol and drugs...
I understand the struggling between your guilt and your indulger, which is exactly the point of being human...We allow ourselves to have flaws but how far would our tolerance pricisely what we are...
If you really treature te relationship with that girl, don't make any move before your divorce...If you dont wanna leave any dark influnce on your child, end up with that girl and go back to the role of a responsible husband and father...

I have to are a good man...most of you...because not everyone is capable of feeling guilty...or they just pretend to...
Reply everlast 2011-12-17 15:56
samscri: Maybe you don't love your wife anymore, may still like her, don't love the marriage life, don't love being a parent...I know people would be eaisly ge
I'm a goodman wanting exiting life. I love my wife from the bottom of heart, love my son, and cannot leave without a stable family. What I hate is a plain life. I never thought of divorce thing and I wouldn't even think about that. I've been very careful to avoid developing extramarrital relationship, but this time, I was absorbed into the virtex. Thanks for your advices and analysis of personality, but like I said, married life might be more sophysticated than you've imagined.
Reply samscri 2011-12-18 02:40
If you're planning to play both sides......the only wish I'm having right now is that your wife does have a work husband or a mental lover meanwhile that girl is into you for something else......Good luck!
Reply everlast 2011-12-21 19:53
samscri: If you're planning to play both sides......the only wish I'm having right now is that your wife does have a work husband or a mental lover mea
very realistic wish, thanks! but it's all over. That girl realized she's starting to fall in love with me, and then she insisted it's the end. bitter time for both of us, but good for all sides. what a story
Reply samscri 2011-12-22 03:49
Are you sure she was falling into love with you, not just sort crush for a new thing?!......Anyway, I am glad that it's over...Best wishes for everyone! With pleasure!

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