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Low-carbon Life

709 views. 2010-12-14 17:20 |Individual Classification:wirting|

                           Low-carbon Life
     Along with the advance of the society ,more and more problems are brought to attention.As low-carbon life is the hot topic.Low-carbon life is refer to reduce energy consumption ,thereby reducing carbon dioxide emissions,thus reducing of atmospheric pollution, slow worsen ecology.
     As you konw ,with the industrialization of thorough  ,greenhouse gas emissions, mainly of carbon dioxide row "injury" of the earth out, to push up global temperatures, climate change . Our winter comes later ,our summer is too hot.You can't image ,many years later,our world will be  the other world.
    So ,everyone must do your best.We should actively promotes low-carbon life ,and to practice it.Attention should be paid to electricity-saving cycle, turned off their lights for one hour... Starting from the dots.In addition to plant trees, and people buy transport mileage very short commodity, someone adhere to climb the stairs and various, some very interesting, some unavoidable some trouble.
    Hope the world more and more beautiful!

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facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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