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It's never too late to be who you might have been.
2012-4-24 21:17 Reply|
Chacun a un équilibre satisfaisant. Je ne fait pas exception à la règle.
2012-4-18 22:25 Reply|
Il fault savoir distinguer le vrai du faux.Le monde est toujours mal.
2012-4-18 22:18 Reply|
If plan A doesn’t work, just remember:there are 25 more letters of the alphabet.
2012-4-9 10:33 Reply|
keep one’s nose clean 不喝酒;look down one’s nose at sb. 瞧不起某人;poke one’s nose into something多管闲事;on the nose 正好,恰恰;brown nose 讨好,谄媚;a nose of wax 没有主意的人
2012-4-8 11:37 Reply|
Sometimes the world tries to knock it out of you, but I believe in music the way that some people believe in fairy tales .——《August Rush》
2012-4-8 11:36 Reply|
The world won't care about your self-esteem. The world will expect you to accomplish something before you feel good about yourself. ---Bill Gates
2012-4-8 11:35 Reply|
In 20 years, you will be more dissapointed by what you didn't do than by what you did.--- Mark Twain
2012-4-5 20:44 Reply|
butter face 性感女孩;face the music 承担后果、接受处罚;pull a long face 愁眉苦脸;feed one’s face 吃饭;Get out of my face走开,别烦我;have the face 厚颜无耻; two-faced 两面派;a matter of face  面子攸关的事情;a
2012-4-5 20:42 Reply|
The future depends on what you do in the present.
2012-4-5 20:41 Reply|
green hand 新手、菜鸟;lay a violent hand on oneself 自杀;a bad hand at 不善于; right-hand man 得力助手;hand over fist 迅速地;hands-off 顺其自然; at close hand 在近处; give him a free hand 由他去干吧;it's
2012-4-5 20:29 Reply|
Great minds have purpose, others have wishes
  • rockytu: great guys make their dreams come true (4-5 22:51)
2012-4-5 07:59 Reply|
Use ur crystal goblets. Do not save ur best perfume, and use it every time u feel u want it.
2012-4-4 18:57 Reply|
Je suis en vie est occupé.
2012-4-4 13:53 Reply|
Make people mature is experience, not of age.
2012-3-31 13:00 Reply|
Si l'amour est le mieux,pourquoi nous le ne sommes partageons pas?
  • rockytu: what does those strange words means (3-27 18:07)
  • yaping: "如果愛是如此的美好,為什麼我們不能彼此分享" (3-27 21:01)
  • yaping: It is French! (3-27 21:02)
  • rockytu: wo, secend foreign language. (3-28 08:20)
  • yaping: Yep~ (3-28 12:07)
  • rockytu: so, you majoring in english, and need to learn a secend foreign language? (3-29 00:25)
  • yaping: No no no,my major in psychology! I just like French and English (3-29 06:44)
  • rockytu: medical major in cardiology. (3-29 10:06)
  • yaping: Good (3-29 16:43)
2012-3-26 22:27 Reply|
You light up my life.
2012-3-26 21:50 Reply|
You are the milk in my coffee
2012-3-26 21:50 Reply|
Every day , i work hard,work hard....
2012-3-18 20:56 Reply|
may come by chance but not by diligent search
2012-3-12 20:17 Reply|

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