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Never Stop Running on the Right Track

1437 views. 2010-10-10 09:26 |Individual Classification:essay|

The words said by Will Rogers, “even if you are on the right track, you will get run over if you just sit there”, remind me of an ancient Chinese prose named Pity Zhong Yong written by Wang Anshi, who is a literary giant in Song dynasty. It tells a story about how the genius, Zhong Yong finally became a common person. At the age of five, Zhong was found to be able to create great poetry without even knowing paper and brush pen before. Then his father utilized his son’s immense talent to make money by writing poetry for others, thus left no time for him to learn. When the boy was twelve, his composition couldn’t compare those he made in the past. Seven years later, Zhong’s talent disappeared radically and acted like common people. I think the words and the prose are meant to express the same idea to us: never stop running on the right track.

First and foremost, what is the right track and how we are going to find it? It’s quite a tough question, for we human beings and the whole society are changing constantly. But I do believe that everyone has a lifelong time to look for the right track. And no matter how the world changes, things that rejoice you will always be there. As long as you are attracted by them and willing to devote yourself completely and timelessly to them without asking for something in return, you are on the right track. Take me as an instance. I’m a person who usually emphasizes things according to its practical extent. So when I first faced several branches in English department, literature, culture and society, interpretation and translation, linguistic, I was interested in interpretation and despised other branches, which are less useful in my eyes. But later in the summer holiday, aimed at previewing English literature in case I don’t like it, I found my right track. When I read of the brief introduction of those imaginative works, when I admired the amazing ideas written by poets in those days, I was overwhelmed. I was so curious about the brilliant creation throughout the English history that I couldn’t resist the temptation of keeping reading and reading. Now, all I wish is to spend my whole life learning and studying it. I believe it’s the right track for me.

And when we get on the right track, why do we have to run and never stop doing so? I use the word run rather than walk or jog, because running is what the current society demand. Holding the same principle as Yale University , the society “wants the best”. Everyone misses the golden days in decades ago, when no competition ever existed. But we have to face the cruel reality nowadays, which requires everyone to keep working or learning. We can’t obey the rule; otherwise we are abandoned by the society and forgotten by people. Suppose you are a famous singer, if you don’t compose songs, publish albums, hold concerts, change style, while waves of new singers and songs arise, the audience and fans are likely to get tired of you and forget you. Stopping running will lead to a loser. Another example is Bill Gates. He used to be widely known as one of the founders of Microsoft and one of the wealthiest people ranking on the list. When he retired from his company, I thought his name might disappear and a new list of the rich would replace him. However, what he did later turned out to be a surprise. He contributed himself to his foundation and donated almost all his property. What’s more, he persuaded many wealthy men in the United States to donate money and devote them in charity. He is not stopping despite the fact that he is in his fifties. He is running but not walking for he wakes up the other rich and even the whole society things that should be done. That’s why he is more of a commercial genius. Whoever we are, celebrities or common people, we ought to make the same choice.

Li Bai once said, “There must be a use for my talent”. So there will be a right track for us to perform and improve our ability. What we need to do is sticking to it and never stopping progressing, not for avoiding abandoning or forgetting, but for proving our existing. 

Post comment Comment (9 replies)

Reply yaping 2010-10-10 11:27
Wow,this article, it seems that you think a lot. But the right track to find how should be? I'm trying to find.
Reply Rosslaw 2010-10-11 13:51
Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
Reply JessicaMing 2010-10-11 19:38
Rosslaw: Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
Reply woods 2010-10-11 20:59
Well,What could I say?Tiny girl,huge ego~
Reply scale 2010-10-12 09:58
We still have a way to go, but we know we're on the right track,that's enough.
Reply O'Bright 2010-10-12 22:07
What a wonderful writing ! " running" this word I like it so much . Cheering  for you had found your way. Good for you.
Reply Oldguypeter 2010-10-19 12:14
Nice to read this blog -  a good one; from it, I can see that U're a thoughtful girl.
Reply JessicaMing 2010-10-19 13:04
Oldguypeter: Nice to read this blog -  a good one; from it, I can see that U're a thoughtful girl.
Thank you ~
Reply linda8626 2010-10-21 12:11
I like reading your is a good article........

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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