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Shares What is bothering me
2010-11-16 22:35
People sometimes feel that there are plenty of things that are bothering them. For example, students feel that study may bother them in a large extend; workers feel low pay is bothering them; old men, however, may think health problem is bothering them. For me, the most thing that bothers me is spe ...
Individual Classification: essay|1298 views|9 replies
Shares Woman to marry herself
2010-11-10 10:43
A Taiwanese woman has decided to marry herself in an elaborate ceremony due to a lack of potential suitors. Chen Wei-yih has posed for a set of photos in a flowing white dress, enlisted a wedding planner and rented a banquet hall for a marriage celebration with 30 friends. Uninspired by th ...
1459 views|5 replies
Shares Maybe you shouldn't go away to college
2010-10-28 16:37
Going away for college is not for everyone. There surely are many good reasons why a student might choose to live at home and attend a local school. Money, finding stability while changes are occurring, and accepting responsibility are three to consider. & ...
Individual Classification: essay|2568 views|4 replies
Shares I just want to live the life given by you
2010-10-24 18:09
I just want to live the life given by you. Only to be your little girl. Hand in hand, we stay together. Let my head just be upon your shoulder. I just want to feel your warm, no matter it's with laughter or tears. I just want to be by your side, no matter if you're poor or rich ...
1727 views|15 replies
Shares The Most Powerful Secret of Your Life
2010-10-22 15:57
Do you believe that you can do anything as long as you really wish to; you can be anybody as long as you keep concentrating on imaging you have already been that person; you can own the life that you’ve been dreaming as long as you firmly hold the faith that you are not far from it? Many peopl ...
1509 views|11 replies
Shares How to achieve yourself
2010-10-21 17:34
Many people want to be successful when they set their goals at the beginning, but they don't realize that the procedure they take forces them to the wrong way. In spite of hard working, I think there're also something important related to the achievement y ...
777 views|4 replies
Shares Never Stop Running on the Right Track
2010-10-10 09:26
The words said by Will Rogers, “even if you are on the right track, you will get run over if you just sit there”, remind me of an ancient Chinese prose named Pity Zhong Yong written by Wang Anshi, who is a literary giant in Song dynasty. It tells a story about how the genius, Zhong Yong ...
Individual Classification: essay|1437 views|9 replies
Shares On maturity
2010-10-7 13:35
When talking about maturity, you may say that when people get older and older, they will definitely be mature. Many people pretend to be mature, but actually they are not. However, maturity is not measured by age, for they may have kids' minds on something. ...
Individual Classification: comments|1093 views|10 replies
Shares Income Sources of College Students
2010-10-7 13:10
According to the investigation of the income sources of students, the income of American and Chinese students comes from parents, part-time job and scholarship. However, the percentage of each income is quite different: fifty percent of the American students income co ...
Individual Classification: comments|549 views|1 replies
Shares Applying for a job can be a negative experience
2010-10-3 20:58
Applying for a job which can easily to get an offer but lost at last can be a negative experience. We have to state clear that what kind of job can be a bad experience .We have to list it. People are willing to demonstrate perfectly especially in their job intervi ...
Individual Classification: comments|2606 views|5 replies

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