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The Third Week.

1297 views. 2010-8-5 10:39 |Individual Classification:Stage Ⅲ|

This is the third week after I moved to Ningbo.
The first week, I stayed at the rent house waiting the express send my package from Hangzhou to here;
The second week, I seeked jobs on the internet and send my resume;
This week is the third week-the week I got several interview with HRs who comes from different companys.
During this time, I felt too deeply about how to find a job which sutiable for youself.
Between these companys, one of them is the most meaningful for me.
That day, I was misleaded by Baidu map and got up a wrong bus to there.
When I found my search engine made a lie to me,
I began to walk to my destine-it took me about one hour in hot sun.
Fortunately, I was in time for the interview.
I had to say, this is an important job for me, and I want it very much.
Actually, I felt not good between the interview for I told my own will to the HR manager-
When she asked me would I mind doing a job which is boring, I said yes.
Then I added-But I am a very patient and serious person...
For I think that one's patience and serious would help her to do better in her job-even this job is boring.
I am a creative person but I am very patience during my worktime-this is the evaluation from all my ex-colleages.
At that time, I knew that maybe I would lost this job chance which I wanted for my wrong answer.
Sometimes, I would be confused to how to express my willing when I faced a HR.
If I want to get this job, I can change my answer which suits the answer.
But after it, what you do is contradictive to what you said, I would feel bad.
Eh...Next week, I will start my work.
I believe that nothing is difficult for a willing heart.
And I will do what I can.

Post comment Comment (8 replies)

Reply jane2010 2010-8-5 10:44
Wish you good luck in the new place.
Reply shawle 2010-8-5 10:52
jane2010: Wish you good luck in the new place.
Thanks a lot.
I'll enjoy myself in this city.
Reply Ben-Niu 2010-8-5 20:10
Good luck for you !
Reply woods 2010-8-6 21:18
You're really a strong and independent girl~Good for you.
Reply shawle 2010-8-7 10:37
Ben-Niu: Good luck for you !
Reply shawle 2010-8-7 10:37
woods: You're really a strong and independent girl~Good for you.
Reply Lifeidream 2010-8-28 15:46
how about your new job? I think you can do well in it according to the article wrote by yourself...come on .
Reply shawle 2010-9-15 21:24
Lifeidream: how about your new job? I think you can do well in it according to the article wrote by yourself...come on .
Thanks a lot:)

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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