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Shares Beautiful sentences 10
2014-3-21 13:03
Envy has no holidays.忌妒之人无宁日。 A strong man will struggle with the storms of fate. In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different. People dramatically cross very thin line between life and death. Give me s fish, I'll eat for a day; and teach me to fish, I' ...
734 views|0 replies
Shares 2014-2-20
2014-3-20 20:20
I feel very tired during the whole day. I am wondering if the weather makes me feel down.Didn't I have a good sleep? I felt very exhausted yesterday, so I went to bed before ten o'clock. However,today I still don't haveanyenergyto do anything. Maybe I had lots of dreams las ...
888 views|5 replies Hot 3
Shares 2014-3-18
2014-3-18 12:01
I haven't written anything for a long time again. Life goes on as usual. If you are a regular reader you may know there is a diligent man who writes blogs every day and another man who comments almost every blogs here. I don't know why they can insist on ...
795 views|5 replies Hot 2
Shares My Nephew
2014-2-16 21:40
My cute nephew is 18 months old. I looked foward to seeing him badly before I went back home. I had leart some stories about him from his parents and grandparents. He is growing up day by day. Though he can't say everything, he can understand what you said. If he wan ...
842 views|2 replies Hot 2
Shares 2013-12-2
2013-12-2 15:18
   How time flies. It's the last month of this year. Now we are talking about something about Spring Festival. Someone is planning to nbsp;prepare preserved meat, fish, chicken, sausage and so on. Someone is thinking about whether go home or not. Someone is hoping the day when we can go home com ...
677 views|0 replies
Shares The Tail of Fall
2013-10-24 12:49
Yesterday I heard it was First Frost. It means there are only half a month left in fall. It will be getting colder and colder with approaching to the winter. We have to wear thick clothes to keep warm. Thinking of this, I put away all my summer clothes and took my winter clothes out. I wonder how i ...
755 views|3 replies Hot 3
Shares A Song Called Drenched
2013-10-24 10:18
I've just read a blog named "drenched", the first feeling come into my mind that it may be a song. so i searched it and found this beautiful and a little sad song. Just share it here, store here! When minutes become hours 当分钟累积成小时 When days become years 当日子累积 ...
891 views|6 replies Hot 3
Shares Time?
2013-9-23 22:32
How time flies! Yeah, whenever i want to write something, i find time is flying like an arrow. Time is fair for everybody. some people use it wisely while some people waste it quietly like me. I don't know why i can't always keep a positive attitude. sometimes i feel i don't want to do anythi ...
719 views|4 replies Hot 4
Shares A problem
2013-7-15 23:55
It's really hard for me to make a decision. To buy or not to buy, it's a big problem. I had planned to buy an apartment in our city at the beginning of this year. Housing price is soaring. The money i have now is not enough as i expected before. So i have to loan more.Is it a good time t ...
828 views|19 replies Hot 7
Shares Understanding
2013-7-14 00:37
I am on my vacation now. I like my relaxing days. Finally i have time to accompany my parents. East or west, home is best. When you come home, you can completly relax yourself. My sweet home store my wonderful memories about my childhood. Though our life was kind of hard at that time, we were still ...
672 views|3 replies Hot 3

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