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Shares Linger
2013-7-13 00:40
If she can lay down everything, maybe she won't be worried and enjoy the peaceful night. However, something is still lingering in her mind. She knows she can't do anything about this. She has to wait. Only time can help her. How long will she have to wait? Who knows? Sometimes she feels upset, somet ...
580 views|12 replies Hot 5
Shares A short conversation on the train
2013-6-27 20:28
A:wow you carry so much delicious food. B:yeah.would you like this one? A: my mother told me i couldn't accept anything from others. B: It's ok. I give it to you because you are so cute. A: thank you, uncle. But i can't get it. B:It doesn't matter. This is for kids like you. I am a bi ...
676 views|4 replies Hot 4
Shares Show your love to your parents
2013-5-13 16:58
Yesterday was Mother's Day. At first, I was wondering wether i should call my mother up or not. I know my mom doesn't know there is a festival called Mother's Day. In my deep heart, I love my mom very much and my mom knows that. I almost call her once a week. She alw ...
1010 views|5 replies Hot 2
Shares A letter to my dad
2013-4-24 22:53
Dear dad, I miss you now.Have you finished all you work today?I know you are much too busy doing farm work these days.Last weekend i called you at the this moment you were still feeding pigs. You told me you would have much more free time in a few days after rice transplanti ...
1545 views|11 replies Hot 5
Shares Hold on
2013-4-24 21:19
I have to say i am a lazybones. I haven't written something for a long time. Giving up doing something is always easier than insistint on doing something. Writing is still a little painful to me, but I have to force me tosaysomethingor maybe some day I will forget all ...
534 views|5 replies Hot 2
Shares Exciting moment
2013-3-21 17:30
When i was studying in the primary school, my dream was be a postwoman. In fact, I didn't know what dream was when I was young. I didn't know how large the world was. I remember my Chinese teachers likedto askus whatour dreams were.I couldn't answer the question until i lea ...
643 views|2 replies
Shares Random writing
2013-3-21 15:42
Playing badminton is my favorite sports. Ironically, I seldom play it. It's not because i don't have time but i can't findproper parters when i have free time. I find i don't have many friends who have the same interets around me. Now most of my friends are my colleagues, but they are very b ...
548 views|2 replies
Shares Beautiful Sentences 10
2013-3-19 10:03
If decoration can give person fine impression in the moment, beauty of rich connotation is elegant soul of female and marrow then. A lot of female born beauty, but one personal youth is limited, if not paying attention to self's accomplishment, the beautiful "flower" may wither after all. ...
539 views|4 replies
Shares piece together
2013-3-18 22:58
Why are you feeling so down in the dumps? When will you aim for things that are truly important to you? Where is your future? What's your dream? Which way do you want to choose? you've asked several times about your questions , but still you don't find the answer to the ...
484 views|6 replies
Shares Hope
2013-3-7 20:59
Finally the cold days have gone. It’s getting warmer and warmer. I am feeling better and better. I do hope I won’t cough any more. I believe the awful days eventually will pass. Spring always bring us hope. Everything will be on its way. What I should do is be patient. The famous poet Pushk ...
403 views|0 replies

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