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You will never know till you have experienced.

Hot 2916 views. 2014-8-1 22:25

It is quite a long time not writing here. Every night, after having supper, I go around for walk and slow running estimated in eight kilometers. This is a new experience. Usually, I just go for running on weekends, but things changed, becase I know it is not so efficient by doing that only on weekends, I need to incrase the frequency of walk and running. I choose to do it after having supper in a hour. Now it is really a new feeling of that. Usually, we can have alternative choices for living, while sometimes we merely are hempered by the stereotypical traditional mind. Sometimes, a slice small change causes a hug big difference. It is really good for doing that, however you are busy, just spend some time on exercises if you really do that. And it iwll not cost you much time, for example, on regular basis, every other three days is all right. After doing it, now I am more energetic and efficient doing work in office. 
Tomorrow is the Chinese lunar Valentine's Day, and also comes the weekend again. Have good weekend!

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Reply Emmaml 2014-8-3 10:43
Hello ,maybe it’s a long time for you are not come here ,do you knew ,there are so many new friends,I am one of them.Yes,I will never know till I have experienced,just like building up my body,I always complain why I am so easily to fall ill,but I have never done physical exercise ever,so ,I have no reason to blame anyone except myself.I totally agree with you about what you said,and I decide to do exercise everyday,because I believe something you do is just good for you,not for anyone else,isn’t it?
Reply teadrinking 2014-8-3 11:41
Emmaml: Hello ,maybe it’s a long time for you are not come here ,do you knew ,there are so many new friends,I am one of them.Yes,I will never know till I hav ...
It is for me to be in a better status.
It is good to meet you here, I have not been in here for a month, so I know that some new guys join in.
It is such a good site for us being together.
Anyway, once you have experienced you more or less will know some stroies about that.
Have a good weekend.
Reply ivyren 2014-8-3 13:55
I just have the same feelings like you. two months ago, i decided to run 2 miles everyday. at first, it was hard for me as i did not really enjoy it. but after one week, I found I loved it and enjoyed the relax it brought for me. You konw nothing unless you exprience it.
Reply teadrinking 2014-8-3 15:17
ivyren: I just have the same feelings like you. two months ago, i decided to run 2 miles everyday. at first, it was hard for me as i did not really enjoy it.  ...
Yes, this is what I like. I am now finding I love it. I was not so fascinated running, especially on campus, I did not like that. While it is quite a good thing for me to enjoy that after keeping doing it for weeks. Now I gradually can feel much more energetic, and all the mess is gone, and all the bad feelings have also gone away. And what is more is that I am now really into it.
Come on, and joining in the group of running, sooner or later, you will feel it is such a right choice.
Reply ivyren 2014-8-3 16:34
Yes. And I also think running is good for our health,which means a lot for us in this unsafe society.

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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