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Simple but not causal

Hot 2690 views. 2015-11-15 22:24 | something, sometimes, business, opposite, ordinary

We sometimes feel that our life is quite ordinary. We want to achieve something great but feel lost. We want to own our business but think it is hard. We want to have family of our own and friends we can talk with, but find it is far away than we expect. After work, going back home, and do the cook or just go around. This is more common we meet everyday, and obviously happen to people who live in cities. You might never do not know who is living in the right opposite of your door. Years later, you may be even not so familiar with neighborhood.

We might think too much yet it is vain after opening eyes in the next morning. All is going to be back the point where we are wandering at. Just pick up briefcase going to work as usual. On the way, we start to think again. How and what, where and why. Right, that is pretty much most of us do. Even when one day we are with big fortune or gained enough money as we want, suddenly realize it is not so well as we want as before. Friends usually could be not those we meet before, the ideal partner as the wife or husband is not the one we picture as we initially assumed.

Strange and amazing. When we move, the scenery around us keeps change. As the different angle, we view different sight. On the bottom of mountain, we head up to admire the magnificence. At the top of hill, we overlook the wide land below. At the peak of our career, we see ourselves as greatness. At the lose of our life, we think mess goes around. At that time, we need to stay calm and just go over where we are at. Then clear mind, look for the new in another side of good and bad. We suddenly understand it is quite more different than we ever believed.

After years of struggling, sitting in the coach, we find all we want is just simply having a cup of coffee or a glass of tea and a warm place where we can live. Whatever it is extreme luxury or simple crude, a bed is just the few squares of inches we need. Though the substantial materials we have, we might feel not happy.

After consecutive rainy days, the blue emotion suddenly jumps into hilarious excitement since the sun casts the lights upon the curtain, goes through the window loading upon your face. Everything is right there. It is still the way, the same as before. Just run cross it, whatever obstacles bothered, the road is right on your feet. As the destination of marathon never change as the routine settled, go and undoubtedly it appears.

The moon in the foreign land is told more full round and shining. When you are at there, you find the hometown is originally the same as what is you see. Go back to the point of start line, and be ready for the adventure, booted and suited for the  sailing, next harbor is only the temporary stop we rest up. Simply life is we want after days and nights working, we know it is meaning we are on the way. We are doing great. Time elapses easily, do not waste it before we are too old to move any further more.

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Reply jaylinxuxun 2015-11-16 10:20
We felt automatically lost , nervous, unsecured to the certain ages. Most of us do not have the courage and capability to stem the tide, just left a big sigh. how time changed us. how many big words once we sware to make a achievement. We just not say sound confidence like before. but, we still need to deal with the questions like when you want to get marry? when you will really settle down? Those question we ourself may do not have a clear answer too, what we expected to answer them?
Reply sunnyv 2015-11-16 17:43
What an affecting article. In a short blog, you managed to write about most of the things we experience in daily life. What makes it interesting is that it includes lots of things which we are all facing at the same time. These is a sense of inclusiveness, familiarity and consolation knowing that we are not all alone in facing these problems.

Nowadays, everything in life seems so difficult because society has become complicated. Having an education and graduated is no longer sufficient to get a good paid job or venture into self employment business. You need to have much more in order to get a loving wife, have children and settle down to a contented and happy life. No, it is not that easy or so simple. Reality has overtaken and surpassed us. The qualifications which we have is just ordinary and not sufficient to carry us up the ladder of success. There are lots of people out there having similar qualifications like ours or better than ours competing with us. Those who are single can afford to take risks but those are married or have aged parents needing support, they need to think again.

People we meet in society and workplaces are cold and uncaring. Some even go as far as to mislead or hurt. It is hard to find people who can talk to us in confidence and give us workable ideas or guidance. I can't understand why people have to be so cold. In my city where most people are well off, materially sufficient and secure and yet they are unfriendly, selfish and uncaring to people around them. At the homes of my friends, they never speak to their neighbors. When one opens the door the other would close. Going up and down stairs, they won't say Hi or won't even acknowledge when you greet them. Nobody cares about the people around them. I myself tries to be friendly to everyone I meet, but sometimes I get blank reaction as if they didn't see me. Gradually, I had to give up greeting people I meet. In workplaces, colleagues are selfish and take advantage. They would only interact with you when it is to their advantage. All this makes life miserable because in a civilized society, we need each other otherwise why live together in a city and we might as well go and settle in the wild forests.

Nevertheless, life goes on. We all have to work for survival and set our foundation for our future. No matter how hard it is, we should not give up or lose hope. As people always says; someday the dragon would dominate the phoenix. Lets take things as it comes and let nature take it's course.
Reply teadrinking 2015-11-16 20:00
sunnyv: What an affecting article. In a short blog, you managed to write about most of the things we experience in daily life. What makes it interesting is th ...
Those are all what I meet and experience, and then try to write it down here for the purpose of letting guys know some of my ideas. If it helps I really feel glad, at least it can bring people some tips about what we face in everyday.

And sure such things do exist, while we are trying to have it better though there are kinds of things we can not have them all perfect. But, as long as there are people, there are some good dreams as what we want.

And thanks for you reply. You always have many ideas sharing with us.
Reply teadrinking 2015-11-16 20:02
jaylinxuxun: We felt automatically lost , nervous, unsecured to the certain ages. Most of us do not have the courage and capability to stem the tide, just left a b ...
Though we have many problems, we try to make them better in the right direction. Whatever lose, or failure, we all have to tackle with them. Compared to be negative, I'd rather like to chose positive ways to solve them. Simple life actually needs hard work to maintain it.

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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