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Strong Survivor

122 views. 2023-9-17 18:16 | life, survivor

The cactus spent less than three months in its small pot, enduring the scorching heat of summer. Yet, this plant seemed utterly unfazed by the relentless sun. The previously grown cacti were the living proof of this remarkable resilience. They thrived, undeterred by rain or intense sunlight, regardless of the season. Now, the tiny cactus in the pot showcased the same remarkable trait. It received minimal watering, only sporadically when I remembered to give it a light spray. However, over the course of these months, even though it didn't grow much taller, it sprouted three tiny buds on its minuscule globe. I couldn't help but admire and adore this tenacious life force.

These three little buds, resembling miniature emerald gems, radiated vitality on the cactus's small sphere. They seemed to sway in a graceful dance, whispering secrets to the gentle breeze, as if celebrating the miracle of new life. Despite the cactus's petite stature, it demonstrated unwavering determination, stretching tirelessly toward the sunlight, yearning to bask in more of its brilliance.

While the cactus's roots barely managed to draw in a scant amount of water, it and its little buds braved the sweltering season with unwavering spirit. Their leaves were lush and glossy, like a group of resilient warriors fearlessly facing the tests of nature.

As time goes by, it can be assured these small globes will grow stronger. This small pot has become a microcosm of miracles, harboring boundless potential.

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facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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