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Honor in A New Path

129 views. 2023-11-10 10:03 | life, journey, ups and downs

Leaving his hometown, the sun's descent painted a mesmerizing tableau over the fields and trees, suffusing the landscape with a golden glow. The rearview mirror captured a poignant image—a poignant last glance that whispered of irrevocable change. He was keenly aware that this place, once a haven of memories, would forever wear the imprints of the past.

Promises made to his parents about frequent returns had dimmed in the swift current of time and ambition. Their absence now etched a deep chasm, a stark reminder of moments lost.

As the road unfurled ahead, a silent companion to his ruminations, vivid snapshots of his childhood replayed in his mind. He revisited laughter-filled days, frolicking in the yard, sprinting through expansive fields, and the comforting rhythm of aiding his parents on the farm. Fragrances of freshly baked bread lingered in his memories, as did the tender resonance of his mother's voice.

Returning to the town he once called home, the streets and houses, though steadfastly unchanged, appeared draped in a cloak of unfamiliar solemnity. It was as though the very air mourned his parents' absence.

Parking in front of his childhood abode, he stepped out and turned the familiar key, unlocking a silent reverie within. The house stood as a time capsule, an echo of bygone days. It held remnants of his youth - scattered toys and undisturbed furniture, preserved in a moment long slipped away.

Seeking solace, he settled on the weathered porch swing in the backyard, kindling a cigarette. His gaze ascended to the celestial canvas, a myriad of stars tethered to treasured memories and lamented losses. Regret swelled within, a tidal wave of what could have been, and what had elapsed.

In that moment of reckoning, the weight of unchangeable time settled upon him. The past, immutable and distant, eluded reclamation. Yet, in that realization, a tenacious seed of determination took root. While the past held its trove of treasures, the future beckoned—an open expanse awaiting his mark, a tribute to his parents' legacy while crafting his unique destiny.

Drawing a deep breath, he exhaled slowly, his eyes fixed upon the constellations above. A subtle smile graced his lips, finding serenity in the vastness of the night. He ardently believed that his departed parents would yearn for his happiness. With unshakable resolve, he pledged to fashion a life that would honor their memory and evoke the pride they held in him.

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facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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