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Rainy Season

114 views. 2024-6-11 21:57 | rain, zongzi

With the arrival of the traditional rainy season, the air is once again filled with that muggy, humid scent. Of course, this doesn’t mean I dislike the rainy season; after all, it has always been like this. In these damp days, heavy rain and bright sunshine alternate, creating a unique landscape.

At this time of year, it is also the Dragon Boat Festival, and zongzi are naturally an indispensable delicacy. As they simmer, the glutinous rice, wrapped in special bamboo leaves harvested from the mountains, emits the unique fragrance of the leaves. Tasting a bite of zongzi, you savor not just the flavor but a whole experience.

In the misty and hazy season, all is as beautiful as a poem or a painting, leaving one utterly intoxicated.

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facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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