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The devil wears Prada

416 views. 2010-12-12 21:57 |

    If you have a female boss like Miranda , who is the character in  film《The devil wears Prada》,what do you think your life will be? A promising future or a nightmare ,maybe it all depends on you.
     The experience of Andy  leaves us a deep impression.Andy is a newly graduated girl,she dreams of becoming a writer,but she chooses for work for the fashion magazine <RUNWAY>,because  she can have more opportunities as the second assistant of Miranda.To her surprise,her female boss is so demanding that almost  no one can meet  her standard.Under great pressure,Andy do the best she can do,but the result seems to be disappointed.Then,Andy tries to change herself,she dresses up well everyday,keep up with fashion,and at the same time,her work performances is more and more satisfactory.Naturally,Andy gets promoted.However, she finds that her personal life has been sacrificed ,including family, love and freinds.Probably ,the fast-paced life makes her lose herself.And it's time for back!At last,Andy says goodbye to the colourful life to the fashionable circle......
   Although it's a light-hearted film,we still can learn something from it.For example,how to cope with the relationship between you and your boss,especially the female boss ? Totally obey or have your own opinion ? And do you have any related experience,you can discuss and write freely here!
    Thanks for your participation !

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Reply Rain-rain 2010-12-13 11:27
To be a fresh girl,you also have a female boss.What do you think about it,happy or sometimes confused sth.A good attitude can change all the things.Sometimes internal relationship is more important than your ability.MY three managers are all male.So i have little experience to say more about female boss.Hehe.
Reply FangMiao 2010-12-13 13:13
Most employees think that a male boss is easier to get along with than a female one. Actually,we can not choose our boss,but we can adjust ourselves.As you said,a good attitude can change every thing.What's more, a strong heart is also important!
Reply Joey1 2010-12-19 19:21
FangMiao: Most employees think that a male boss is easier to get along with than a female one. Actually,we can not choose our boss,but we can adjust ourselves.A
In my opinion ,it is not related to ur boss' sex ,I have experienced several leaders and Igot to know that it is only about the temper and character of  them .
Reply FangMiao 2010-12-19 19:43
Joey1: In my opinion ,it is not related to ur boss' sex ,I have experienced several leaders and Igot to know that it is only about the temper and character o
Yes,you're right.As employees,we just do our best to accomplish our task,and enjoy our job, that's the essence of life!

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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