The wondrous moment of our meeting
I well remember you appear
Before me like a vision fleeting,
A beauty’s angel pure and clear.
For long in dreams came features dear.
There be none of Beauty’s daughters
With a magic like you;
And like music on the waters
Is your sweet voice to me.
To listen and adore you;
With a full but soft emotion
Like the swell of summer’s ocean.
I love the way you smile at me,
How like Eve’s apple doth thy beauty grow.
I love your laugh, pretty much.
The way you walk, the way you talk,
Your gentle kiss and touch.
You make me feel so happy;
Whenever I’m with you.
You make me feel so special
This love is too good to be true.
I believe I love you
When I’m alone
More than I think of you
When we’re together
I can’t think
Without loving or love with thinking
Alone I love
To think of us together
Often in my waking dreams do I
Live over again that happy hour.
You haven’t always been here for me,
or loved me just the same…
But you will always have my heart,
Until my last second in the world.
I ask nor wealth, nor length of days,
Nor pride, nor power, nor worldly praise;
Just let my love,
Like sunlight, surround you
And yet give you illumined freedom.
But when you need someone to listen,
I’ll be there;
When you need a hug,
I’ll be there;
When you need someone to hold your hand,
I’ll be there;
When you need someone to wipe your tears,
I’ll still be there.
Love, so soft and warm beside me.
If I were to give my heart,
It would have to be to you.
Remember my absence for a time.
And I once stood hence forward in your shadow.
How like a winter hath my absence been
From you, the pleasure of the fleeting year!
What freezings have I felt, what dark days seen!
Now my heart is gladder than all things
Because my love is coming to me.
Every beat of my heart, loudly cries your name.
I was so much to be with you
Then can no horse with my desire keep pace.
Please feel the same.
Raise our hands
leap in the air, like the wind
for we are still alive
and free to love.
If you should tire of loving me
Some one of our far days.
Oh never start to hide your heart
or cover thought with praise.
Once I felt that it would not payback
Whiling hardly pursuing a thing.
Now I know I was wrong, obviously.
Cause the love has never disappear.
You are always in my dreams,
night…and sometimes…day.
Thoughts seen to never fade away.
Always wondering…will you ever be mine?
I know your concerns and fears
About your love,
Flowering but does not result.
No more promises I could give you except my heart.
Trusting and loving me are your best choice you could choose.
Then you will enjoy the love I give you.
Dear, I love you, ever!
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