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Favourate movie type

610 views. 2010-12-14 00:53 |

     I don’t know which movie I should recommend because so many excellent works I’ve seen.All of them are planted in my mind or stored in my heart.I regard them as equal as the fancy toys.They are enlighting or moving or philosophic or surprising.~~~It’s hard to say.I love them all!!

         To sum up ,I should admit the western animation films are really worth watching which filled with vivid high quality pictures,humourous quick-witted linesmarvelous plots and richful imaginations.I dip into them really! Can I speak in Chinese? Can’t bear it, I must say——喜欢得不得了!!!!!!!!!!!You know my level is limited,I couldn’t express myself thoroughly in English,It’s uncomfortable.So next I’ll  list some names of them,I believe we will give them a good mark.

Ratatouille        Bee Movie Game                Over the Hedge                       Horton Hears A Who          Madagascar——Escape to Africa              Curious George                      Coraline~    Especially the last one,wow!Nicest thing,numerous plants in the garden,what a ferly!

If you also have some interests,please appreaciate them!

Post comment Comment (6 replies)

Reply touringchina 2010-12-14 10:11
Curious George ,is this the naughty monkey,i have seen it. i prefer animations on christmas theme to others. the 2010 selection is rich ,you may search the latest on-line.
Reply sayuri 2010-12-14 11:24
Oh, I had see no one. I am not very interet in movie, and I like watch Janpanese cartoon. I intereted in American serial recently, I watched The Vampire Dairies and Gossip Girl, it's very good.
Reply linda@crab 2010-12-14 14:46
sorry for my lower sight on these movies, but i will have a try! hehe!
Reply nancywater 2010-12-15 00:56
wow sounds good! i hope we can chang our thoughts and recommend the good ones which can save  much time~~:)
Reply nancywater 2010-12-15 00:56
thank you!!!i will see it ~~~have a good  day!
Reply nancywater 2010-12-15 00:58
I am a little childish~~

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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