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Shares February
2025-2-1 16:19
Sister gave me fish, Quite a festive dish. It tastes very good, Ranks first as food.
88 views|9 replies
Shares January
2025-1-1 12:07
First day of new year. Weather is very clear. Draw water of a well. Only in a warm spell.
210 views|30 replies
Shares December
2024-12-1 14:02
If you make no defense, Decay could commence. Terrible is loss of sense Instead of rival offence.
273 views|30 replies
Shares November
2024-11-1 12:39
1 Right here I used to stay. Now just back in dismay. So flooded with sunlight, Which is actually delight.
327 views|29 replies
Shares October
2024-10-1 16:39
1 Some similarity in his novels. Accidentally appear troubles. Unnecessary ones might die. Vacancies new souls occupy.
502 views|31 replies
Shares September
2024-9-1 10:18
1 Shower forces me to rest, Which arouses no protest. I may go to another nest Enjoying films taken best.
1677 views|29 replies
Shares August
2024-8-1 09:53
1 The insect rubs its wings. Soloist plucks the strings. Which music will you like? Former may easily strike.
1272 views|30 replies
Shares July
2024-7-1 12:59
1 Just among the flourishing weeds, I collected ripe black onion seeds. Although there was a light breeze, Face rolled down the sweat beads.
833 views|30 replies
Shares June
2024-6-1 10:49
1 All plants truly miss the sun, Which never seems to shun. Just vicious clouds between Keep them from being seen.
620 views|29 replies
Shares May
2024-5-1 11:11
They have reason to despise, For I ’ m common and unwise. No hope to let others realize The unique craft that I prize.
626 views|31 replies

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