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Some Childhood Memories of Eating Chicken

620 views. 2011-4-22 10:14

Grandma died nearly two decades ago, but vivid memories of her magic cooking often come back to me. I use the word magic because Grandma was good at turning ordinary ingredients into delicious food.

When I was a little child, life was hard in the country and eating meat was nothing but a luxury. Although every household kept poultry, they raise them to sell eggs.  Seldom would they kill them for meat, except when they died. One morning, grandma found a hen dead after she got up to feed them. She was sad, murmuring to herself what a pity that the hen just began to lay eggs. My brothers and sisters and I were all very happy that we finally had chicken to eat. We followed Grandma closely as if the dead hen could fly away. Grandma had a busy morning, boiling water, plucking out feathers, cleaning and chopping chicken. All having been done, she began to cook. We would stand around the kitchen range, neck craned and mouth watering. When the chicken was eventually done, a problem arose. Who should have chicken legs? The quarrel was quickly settled because no one would waste time arguing.  As the youngest, I got the chicken legs. We all ate with great relish, enjoying every bite. Grandma never joined in. She just watched us affectionately and wiped her hands on her apron.

When I feed chicken to my two-year-old son, he would either avoid it or simply spit it out.  I know he will never find as much fun eating chicken as I did in my childhood.

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Reply hurrymm 2011-4-22 14:07
Time fies!
Nowadays urban children would never regard “meat” as luxurious and delicious as we did two decades ago. The increasing affluence in life brings us more choices to food but deprives us of our appetite day by day. People now always complain about the terrible tastes of meat, vegetable and fruits, insisting that food tastes much better in the “old days”.  We can not deny the fact that most of our daily foods come from the green houses with many an artificial addictives used in the growing, which worsens their tastes to some extend. Meanwhile, we have to admit that we can not obtain too much pleasure from those things we have every day, as the rarest always tastes the best. What do you think?
Reply rich 2011-4-24 18:48
sharing similare experiences and feelings. in the "good old days" we had so liittle material comfort, but life somehow seemed more enjoyable, more carefree and more genuine between people. progress is good, of course. but it is a double-edged sword. we gain but we also lose something precious. all kinds of pollution, unnameable food additives, healthier diet we have? hard to say.
BTW, dead animals are not fit to eat. i know the special situation, though.
Reply louislaolu 2011-4-24 20:20
rich: sharing similare experiences and feelings. in the "good old days" we had so liittle material comfort, but life somehow seemed more enjoyable
In those days, people thought it too wasteful to throw them away. That animals that die from diseases are not edible is part of common sense now. Besides dead animals are disposed of before they enter produce markets. So people run no risk of having their health harmed.

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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