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Shares Nostalgia
2011-10-9 23:26
The first part: During the National Day, remembed that, one dusk, when I walked in the campus, I saw some old people who are all about sixty years old wandering in the campus, suddenly, one old came to me and asked me the way to the host building, I told her and she told me ...
1742 views|22 replies
Shares When you face a brand new day
2011-9-6 11:34
When you face a brand new day, you have many dreams. When you face a brand new day, you start to enjoy the earlynew sunshine. When you face a brand new day, you start to breathnew day's fresh air. When you face a brand new day, you wanna do what you like. When you face a bra ...
1375 views|18 replies
Shares celebrating graduating
2011-6-26 22:28
Yesterday afternoon,our lab had some activities.the topic is:celebrating graduating. Firstly,climb sybling and i,we went to climb the mountain which is not so high,just a small is familiar for ...
1561 views|18 replies
Shares are you ok?
2011-6-23 18:15
Hi!my friends,are you ok recently?thesedays,i am so busy that almost haveno moretime to come here,and enjoy friends' blogs.i haven't written my blogfor several days. At prasent,the time ...
1308 views|13 replies
Shares These days
2011-6-7 17:40
Nowadays,I have some panic,beacuse my experiments is endless,my time of prepareingfor exam is lesser and lesser,my dream is further and original plan was disordered.everythingwas in a mess,my thoughtwas also confused and complicated ...
1267 views|15 replies
Shares A good morning
2011-5-26 10:24
This morning,when I waked up,lying in bed,unable to sleep, I still don't want to get up.Suddenly,I heard a bird is singing outside.maybe it is a long time since I hadheard the song of the bird,at that moment,I feel it is very beautiful music in the world.Immediately,I got out of bed and pull ...
933 views|19 replies
Shares keep good health and enjoy life
2011-5-17 22:36
A saying said:"Life is like a bow,sometimes tight,sometimes loose,or it will break."yes,we should learn to relaxed if life is so tight. Last weekend,our good friends gathering ,we are very crazy when we met each other,'cause this semester is a crucial period for us,all of u ...
833 views|16 replies
Shares share the story
2011-5-14 17:19
Life Struggle I think this is a meaningful story,so so I share it with you. Once upon a time in a land far far away, there was a wonderful old man who loved everything. Animals, spiders, insects... One ...
Individual Classification: story|574 views|8 replies
Shares Mother's Day
2011-5-8 11:34
Today is Mother's Day,In this special day,I want to tell my mom: MOM,I LOVE YOU VERY MUCH AND I LOVE YOUFOEVER AND FOREVER! Today, I want to give you a big hug!!! I want to do more delicious foods that you like by myself ...
Individual Classification: my treasure|819 views|10 replies

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