With the fast development of the society, we get more pressure. Everyday, we have much to do. and each seems very important. We always dont know what should we do. what about you ?
Works can be classified to three categories, A - daily routine, B - critical issues and C - general items. Once you are asked to do sth, classify it with different priority, then complete it one by one, except ciritical issues, for ciritical issues, we must try to tackle it at the first time. I maintain an Excel file with columns item, decription, priority, status and shecdual on my computer. Everyday, I review and update the file according to my progress. with this file, I know what have been done and what need to be done. and when my boss ask me for the periodical work report, I just summarize the file and generate the report quickly. it's really useful.
For example, I always check the back up log for each system while enjoying the first cup of coffee in the day, it's one of daily routine, after that, I read the file and review each opened items, mark the items which I planned to do on that day.
then arrange to do my favorite tasks in the afternoon and tackle the ones which I dont like in morning , beacause I feel bored in the afternoons. by the way, I always reserve 1-2 hours to chat with my online freinds or browse Internet website or play some funny computer games. it's helpful for my health of body and mind.
What about your opinions?