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1000 views. 2012-5-12 14:16 |

      Today is 5-12,hehe,i still remember the scene four years ago when i was in my senior school. On the afternoon of that day,when we all sat in the classroom even the class was not begun,suddenly i felt someone push my chair with his feet,but when i looked around,i didn't find anything about it. then someone who screamed out " it's shaking !!!"we all felt nervous and didn't know what to do.i followed my classmates updown the stairs and found that all the students and teachers there on the playgroud. the school stopped all the classes that day and called people stay on the playgronud. since it was my first time to experience earthquake,i felt blank in my mind. after a while,our teacher came to tell us that this shaking came from Wenchuan of SiChuan, i hadn't known that place before.we talked it all the afternoon.when night approched,the manager of school told all the students to keep staying on the playground,and sent a few students into the building to take some covers or beddings for us. it was cold that night, i was waked up by some students who were running around the ground,and i joined them,finally we entered into bathroom to get some warm air.
     Now it has passed for 4 years and we pray for all the people who lost their lives.

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Reply Debbie 2012-5-12 17:34
pray for them~~~~~

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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