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Beijing,next year....
2013-10-20 23:43 Reply|
A new term has begun,come on!!
2013-2-23 17:33 Reply|
Go to work after graduation>>>it's decided!
2013-2-20 17:44 Reply|
i almost forget this place……
2012-12-20 00:22 Reply|
i hate myself now , i'm lost……
2012-6-24 21:19 Reply|
now i really want to talk to foreigners to practice my oral English,but those foreigners in our school seem have no interest in us~555~~
  • Onellamafarm: You should make friends with sedgehead. He has English classes on Saturdays and lets you practice your oral English with him. He is my cousin. (6-3 09:55)
  • Onellamafarm: (6-3 10:00)
  • Onellamafarm: (6-3 10:03)
2012-6-2 22:25 Reply|
these days are quite my bad days,i have got hurts three times555~
2012-5-30 18:45 Reply|
it's so sad today,i hurt my feet,and can not walk now,but tomorrow we have physical exam::>_<::
2012-5-15 23:19 Reply|
it's so hot outside today ,i can't even sleep at noon……
2012-5-5 16:01 Reply|
it's sunny outside,i want to cut my hair and then take a walk around the campus with someone……
2012-4-26 15:15 Reply|
my cooking skill is not good,i'm afraid……
2012-4-4 09:11 Reply|
today i have to be very careful,not to be fooled by others……april fool's day!
2012-3-31 23:54 Reply|
it is reported that today there will a thunderstorm, but the weather is just so sunny……
2012-3-28 18:24 Reply|
100RMB,my first salary,three times,even it is not much,but it is quite meaningful for me!!
2012-3-25 22:41 Reply|
i hope it rains tomorrow,so we won't take the physical class,hehe……
2012-3-20 21:44 Reply|
just because my student offered me supper ~~so delicious food…
2012-3-17 20:54 Reply|
what a sunny day today,my mood is sunny,too~~~
  • LizHoo: full of happiness..... (3-17 20:16)
2012-3-17 19:59 Reply|
it is dangerous to play football with foreigners,they are not in good behavior with us on the playground.
  • bbgirl: really? (3-15 09:00)
  • wangxu: hehe,of cause not all the foreigners,but they are too strong that can hit you away! (3-15 12:07)
2012-3-14 14:53 Reply|
Teacher is talking something about TaiWan, we all know that Taiwan is much different from the mainland of china, i really want to know how people in Taiwan feel about the fact that they have relations
2012-3-12 19:54 Reply|
Weekends are used to take a rest, watching a movie……
2012-3-11 19:05 Reply|

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