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The effect of globalization

1066 views. 2011-11-17 10:56

With the acceleration of globalization,the world is becoming a global villiage.Chinese people are crazy about learning English,eating KFC and watching Hollywood movie.While westerners begin to learn chinese calligraphy,study chinese medicine and watch Peking opera.The exchange between eastern and western cultural is increased during the past decades.However,just like a coin has two sides,the globalization both has its merits and demerits.

On one hand, the globalization promote the economic growth as well as the scientific and technical progress of developing countries and undeveloped areas. The tide of globalization bring about the tourism development and speed up the process of industralization and urbanization.China's entry to WTO also indicates its market economy status in the world is recognized.Through frequent exchange between counties,we can make foreign friends,study advanced foreign technology and experiences.And the establishment of overseas Confucius institute also facilitates the transmission of Chinese traditional culture.

On the other hand,there are also some negative effect of the globalization.A large number of imports have posed certain impact on the local industry.Some young people show indifference to  the  chinese classic culture and blindly pursue the western culture.All these lead to the loss of Chinese traditional values.

I think the trend of globalization is irreversible,it is an opportunity as well as challenge.We should select the essence and  discard the dross,protect and carry forward Chinese traditional culture,try to get more benefit from the globalization.Then make great contribution to the stability and prosperity of our country and bring more happiness to people.

Post comment Comment (3 replies)

Reply Haiena 2011-11-17 11:30
We can't have the best of everything. The net result is that China is benefitting from opening to the world. We need to preserve of traditional values and at the same time accept foreign cultures. We do not want to go back to those days of isolation from the world.
Reply heai88 2011-11-17 15:25
actually, I have read your several writings then found all of them are well organized, reading them for me is nice enjoyment.
Reply snowflying 2011-11-17 21:49
indeed, your analysis reasonable.

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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