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a bad state

1358 views. 2009-7-1 20:03 |

why,you may wonder,there's so many people in a state of anxiety? maybe we lost something? as one of the most people,i think there's one called "belief" that we havenot we get lost, desire,upset,unhappy. sometimes i have no motivation to struggle, i was in a time of thinking,about a certain useless issue. some actions must be taken to get out of it. never let laziness cover u dream.

Post comment Comment (13 replies)

Reply Clara 2009-7-1 23:04
yes,i agree.U are right.
Reply jojo_zhu 2009-7-2 08:48
We do be in a bad state sometimes, just as what u said in ur blog. We have nothing else to do but to be optimistic and move on...
Reply moli 2009-7-2 11:14
be optimistic!
Reply twilight 2009-7-2 11:29
Sometimes we need to relax~ work a bit and play a bit
Reply gary 2009-7-3 22:12
Belive yourself ,just do it.
Reply Jane2008 2009-7-4 16:28
Just do it, don't let some bad habit overcomes you
Reply 陆勇杰 2009-7-5 11:10
Yes,try to change yourself and believe youself.your mind is like water,when it is agitated,it becomes difficult to see,but if you allow it to settle,the answer becomes clear
Reply jason12088 2009-7-5 13:18
陆勇杰: Yes,try to change yourself and believe youself.your mind is like water,when it is agitated,it becomes difficult to see,but if you allow it to settle,t
good words, i remember it..3Q
Reply jason12088 2009-7-5 13:40
Clara: yes,i agree.U are right.
just me own point
Reply jason12088 2009-7-5 13:41
jojo_zhu: We do be in a bad state sometimes, just as what u said in ur blog. We have nothing else to do but to be optimistic and move on...
We should put  our attention on the things, just do it
Reply yumiko 2009-7-5 21:06
when something make you feel down.Say to yourself:Never give up!
Nothing is impossible.Keep moving.and so on .
Reply cristin 2009-7-29 22:11
i go along with you on this point .we must have a sense of perseverance.
Reply Graceq 2009-8-4 20:40
Sometimes relax is necessary. We can't always be energetic. But we should know what we are doing.

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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