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874 views. 2011-7-23 23:30

Today has worked overtime,made some material for the inspector training ,these days evening always lost sleep,every night until  3 o'clock can fell asleep ,maybe recetly the working pressure was too big, yes recently have many quality question.But i believe these after soon can pass.
This month 30 are my birthday ,hoped that can celebration  togather with family member,now i already recorded not clearly ,how many birthday have not been spend togather with family member.
Recently because of get up later ,already many days did not have the breakfast ,long time did not have the breakfast ,in the morning went to work about 10 o'clock the belly to be very hungry ,and discovered that the stomach begin has a little uncomfortably,therefore start from tomorrow morning insist on get up early,insisted on every day arrived to the cafeteria to have the breakfast. 

Post comment Comment (3 replies)

Reply cgmichael 2011-7-24 00:46
take care of your stomach, otherwise your body quality will be worse than the product quality, nabs.
8 years ago, i also worked relevent quality control, a quality engineer, now i am a product design engineer.
Reply JMZ 2011-7-24 22:32
so do i......athough i know health is number one,i have not regularly enjoyed my breakfast for several weeks.....when i feel hungry,i will eat some food...
Reply starwang 2011-7-26 23:36
Whenever I felt bored or lonely time, I will go outdoors to stroll,Perhaps many such girls ,When felt bored or lonely time will start not to stop eats between-meal snack to kill the time.Soon after  the finally cause to getting fat.

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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