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summer vacation

983 views. 2011-7-28 22:15

The next month compay starts the summer vocation ,Altough merely only 11 days ,but has many colleagues will to go home,I hesitate now wheather to go home ,Because and the same time the workshop also arranged a small partial personnel to work overtime the production.So i worried  about occur some serious quality broblem during the summer vocation.I was very think of my parents.i want to  buy some things for my parents and take my parents eats some delicacise food.

Post comment Comment (2 replies)

Reply EmmaYred 2011-7-28 22:59
I think you should back home, one thing, you can meet your parents, the other, you can relax yourself.
Reply starwang 2011-7-29 17:16
Yes i should back home ,waiting several days will buy the ticket.

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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