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Yet the journey waiting for me is all alone

Hot 4654 views. 2016-1-13 16:39 | waiting, journey

Little by little, dream is fading away with the passion. When there is no idle time to find inspiring words in books, what should I take to defend the coming emptiness and confusion? Once did I strived, tried hard, been lost, I didn't give my dream up. Life is full of laughters, persisting to today, what the outcome have I gained? Now of myself, likes standing at the airport, to stay? to move on? To let it go or persisting on?
Really tired, have no strength to go on.
But I can't, it's okay that coming with the storm with the tears.

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Reply Tange 2016-1-13 18:27
if you know where to go , the whole world will make a way for you ...  haha
Reply teadrinking 2016-1-13 20:17
Take a rest then go on. Find the way. There must be a way. We are all on the way to find ourselves to where exactly we should go.

And we are working hard to see what kind of future should be like and if we can live a good life as we want. How to realize it? Depends on what we think and what we pursue.

I, myself, still working hard. Yes, I mean it. Life is tough. Wondering is ok, which is becoming much fiercer when it comes to failure and frustration.

Never give up and stand up, then go.
Reply sunnyv 2016-1-13 23:13
Perhaps your ambition is a bit to strong and exceed your capacity. Slow down a bit. There is no need to stretch yourself to extremes. Life is not meant to be easy. Go step by step towards to goal and accept the obstacles along the way. You are smart ambitious guy and eventually you would achieve what you want. Take care.
Reply Aisha 2016-1-15 15:32
It is our DREAM and we want to achieve it, that is the only reason why we should persist ,despite obstacles along the way .

There are times when we suffer from frustration ,impatience and discouragement during the process pursuing our dream , and then we question ourselves does this really worth fighting or should i just give up ? Yes it worth it because you want to achieve it .

Dont think so negative. You are just at your bad times .It is quite normal ,and we all have our bad times .Just take a rest, release all the bad emotions and then go on .

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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