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1002 views. 2011-9-6 21:25 |

        A long time ago, i have registered a 163blog. However, i always forgot to visit it. Because i have QQ and sina microblog. i think it is not convenient to have so many this kind of things.
       Today, i have two or , maybe i should say three, interviews for the internship. During the past two months, i tried my best to find an intern job. but it turned out that it was very difficult. Today, my roommate recommends  me to her friend's company, so luckily i got one internship in the next two months.
       And , my teacher asks me to find a proper topic for the undergraduate paper. But i fail to find the appropriater material to translate into Chinese. Who could give me any advice?I will appreciate it.
       Tomorrow, i need to be a stall translator for the furniture exhibition. I hope that i could learn more this time.

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Reply snowflying 2011-9-6 21:31
your major is english? complete a good degree paper surely need more basic materials, only having enough ,you can find your own viewpoints and continue your own research. each graduation must complete it.and through the hard process, maybe learn more including arrange, write ,think ability. good luck.
Reply zyyrita 2011-9-6 21:42
i know a paper need much work. but i haven't started yet. i just can't fix the theme or title. my teacher asks me to find sth that hasn't been translated into chinese but i don't know where to find these things, do you have any recommendation?
Reply snowflying 2011-9-6 21:54
zyyrita: i know a paper need much work. but i haven't started yet. i just can't fix the theme or title. my teacher asks me to find sth that hasn't been transla
friendly notice:please use "reply",ok?

in college, there is a net library which have large numbers of all kind of materials,and nearly all of the college teachers have their register account, where is  gratis and free to all college teachers. though i don't know your major detail, don't what detail materials about your major, but i think all the new research achievements in all over the world whether whatever research business field, you also can seek something about your major.
Reply JMZ 2011-9-6 22:50
you could find some topics from the famous date base related with your major...  you may find some many foreign periodicals that have not been translated into chinese..
Reply zyyrita 2011-9-6 23:11
JMZ: you could find some topics from the famous date base related with your major...  you may find some many foreign periodicals that have not been transla
so.can you show me some examples? i have been the data base, but i can't find any.that's weird.
Reply zyyrita 2011-9-6 23:16
snowflying: friendly notice:please use "reply",ok?

in college, there is a net library which have large numbers of all kind of materials,and nearly all
i hope i could find sth there.
Reply Jessico 2011-9-7 11:48
You should go to the library or search the internet to complete the papare related the topic you are going to write. Try to figure out the whole frame first, I mean the outline. Then go step by step
Reply JMZ 2011-9-7 13:10
zyyrita: so.can you show me some examples? i have been the data base, but i can't find any.that's weird.
such as: ISI Web of Knowledge系列数据库, nature,and so on. I don't know your major, you can ask your teacher some famous date base, then you can find it easily~~~
Reply zyyrita 2011-9-7 21:22
thxs a lot
Reply zyyrita 2011-9-7 21:23
Jessico: You should go to the library or search the internet to complete the papare related the topic you are going to write. Try to figure out the whole frame
yes,. i know, i just hope that i could set up my topic as soon as possible.

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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