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about graduation

686 views. 2011-11-6 22:32

     Now,I'm listening the music,and I'd like to enjoy light music.I'm fond of listening the daydream's music,like<little comfort>,<valetine's day>,<walking with you> and so on,really beautiful sounds. 
    Today,is a fine day with sunshine.I'd like this weather,a little soft wind,We can enjoy it ,neither cold nor hot.
   Time flies,now I'm facing graduation,and I'm on the way to hunt a job.My major is E-commerce,and I want to find a job related with my major.Like customer service,Internet sales,or working in a trade company.May everyone who facing graduation find a good job in the near futrue.
    Good night ,my friends.Dream a good dream.

Post comment Comment (4 replies)

Reply redapple2 2011-11-6 22:37
You could hunt for a good job at length.
Reply andy_viky 2011-11-6 22:38
Thank you.
Reply lijuanandrea 2011-11-8 10:07
that's a good one, i am sure you can find a good job.
Reply andy_viky 2011-11-11 08:13
lijuanandrea: that's a good one, i am sure you can find a good job.
Thank you very much.

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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