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Be a good Receiver

Hot 5696 views. 2015-12-25 16:28 |Individual Classification:Mood

   Are you good at receiving ? Have you still remembered when you last time receive a thing? Maybe this seem a strange question, but I think we had better take a serious thinking.


         Very often, we are better givers rather than receivers. We are used to give our family, our friends and even charities. But for receiving, we may feel uneasy when receive something, although it is not very noticeable. For example, when someone praises the coat we are wearing, we may say that we bought it at a discount instead of simply enjoying the praise. As we know, praise, itself , is a gift to us, and when don’t receive it properly, in this way, we may hurt a givers’ feelings. But if, we take the praise, it is a good pleasure for the giver to see the gift received in a pleasant way. Then, in this way, we may develop a good way of relationship.


   Why we tend to behave in that way? Maybe our education play a role. We are taught that it is better to give than to receive. But this suggests that there is something wrong with receiving. In fact, there is nothing wrong with receiving. It is better to give and take.We should practice receiving all the pleasures that happen to us everyday, just think that how many gifts we are being given everyday: the beauty of nature, art and inspiring conversations, etc. Let life shower us with gifts, pleasure, joys, surprises, both large and small, and let us take notice of all these things and accept them happily and thankfully.


   So let try to practice receiving at once, and this may benefit us greatly, making us become good receivers as well as good givers.

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Reply jaylinxuxun 2015-12-25 16:59
ahaha, people say better give than receive. Sometimes we are too humble for others' praise too like the situation you description. Sometimes we take it for granted that we deserve to receive good and proper treatment, but we  never feel gratitude.
Reply sunnyv 2015-12-25 18:10
Good point. Actually our daily life is full of give and takes. When we give, it is either a duty, a favor to others or we expect something in return. Sometimes, we wonder if our contributions are appreciated or whether it is worthwhile to give.

On the other hand, when we ''receive'' favors, support, assistance, encouragement or praise from others, our minds are filled with contradictions. We would normally wonder if we really deserve it. Sometimes, we are embarrassed or red-faced by those positive support because we are uncertain whether we deserve those support. It is natural to feel inferior because nobody is invincible or have unfettered confidence or ability.

Personally, I never forget anyone who has given me unconditional help. These include my former employers who had great confidence in me, trusted me and gave me all the support I needed. There are also some friends who stood by me in my darkest hours and most difficult times. My parents also gave me everything they had despite the risk of me losing everything. There are also people in society who gave words of encouragement when I needed them. Without all these emotional and practical support, I may have given up because those were very hard times and I was I was wondering if it was worth trying so hard. Finally success came to me and lifted me up from the worst times ever. I was then able to nurse my tired bones and exhausted mind back to healthy and assured condition. We cannot succeed unless we try hard and with help from others. It gives me great satisfaction to meet all those people who have seen me in those desperate condition and they gave me the help and support when I needed it. Should those who have helped me need any help from me anytime, I am ready to give the things I have.

At times our own light goes out and is restored by a spark from another person. Each of us should think with gratitude of those who have lighted the flame within us.

That is why receiving is an art. When we receive help, assistance or favors, it is necessary to at least acknowledge them and never forget those who have helped us when we needed it. The world is much happier when we know there are people who care about us.

Be Thankful ........

Be thankful that you don’t already have everything you desire,
If you did, what would there be to look forward to?

Be thankful when you don’t know something
For it gives you the opportunity to learn.

Be thankful for the difficult times.
During those times you strengthen and grow.

Be thankful for your limitations
Because they give you opportunities for improvement.

Be thankful for each new challenge
Because it will build your strength and character.

Be thankful for your mistakes
They will teach you valuable lessons.

Be thankful when you’re tired and weary
Because it means you’ve made a tried hard.
Reply Candy.liu 2015-12-25 21:00
Sometimes, this is a way to show modest, and maybe it's traditional way to show kindness. And different country has different culture. Such as, someone says: your kid is so clever. Some Chinese parents would reply: she/ he is just naughty. But some people from western country will just reply: thank you.
Reply IMNONARCISSUS 2015-12-26 10:23
I seldom think about that. Thanks for your reminding.Life needs wisedom!
Reply teadrinking 2015-12-26 11:34
To give and receive, be thankful and grateful. Only owning such an attitude to everything we can feel how nice life is. And we then live happily in the harmonious world with peace.
Reply lovingfun 2015-12-29 02:24
jaylinxuxun: ahaha, people say better give than receive. Sometimes we are too humble for others' praise too like the situation you description. Sometimes we take i ...
Yeah. We just feel gratitude everyday, then we may feel better, especially, when we are in low. Others can help in some way, but only ourselves can help us at last.
Reply lovingfun 2015-12-29 02:28
sunnyv: Good point. Actually our daily life is full of give and takes. When we give, it is either a duty, a favor to others or we expect something in return.  ...
Yeah indeed. ALL depend what we are thinking.  In some way, we receive something proper from somebody, that will honour him in some way.
In fact, I think ,we all need others' care as well as the care of ourselves.
Be a good receiver, as well as a good giver. When we give, we don't expect too much, for expections remain too high,  we usually get upsets.
As for, how much we can offer and take, it depend the really situation. The decision just made by ourselves in a soud way.
Reply lovingfun 2015-12-29 02:30
Candy.liu: Sometimes, this is a way to show modest, and maybe it's traditional way to show kindness. And different country has different culture. Such as, someon ...
Yeah, you are right. Sometimes we need change ourselves in order to broarden our sight as well as mind, on condition that we wanna be a good one from outside and in side.
Reply lovingfun 2015-12-29 02:32
IMNONARCISSUS: I seldom think about that. Thanks for your reminding.Life needs wisedom!
We all have a pair of keen eyes ,  if we give  them a chance, we may see more from things.
Reply lovingfun 2015-12-29 02:32
teadrinking: To give and receive, be thankful and grateful. Only owning such an attitude to everything we can feel how nice life is. And we then live happily in th ...
Yeah, indeed, my friends. You got a good job on that...

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