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Hot 11488 views. 2019-8-6 00:50 |Individual Classification:Mood| whatever will be, will be

    Que sera sera means whatever will be, will be. It is a song which was came from the movie The Man Who Knew Too Much . I saw this movie when I was a freshman in a college. When I heard this song first time , I laughed at the lyric whatever will be, will be, for I thought at that times it was an useless word. Things have done, and of course we could do nothing for it. We had no necessary to talk about it.

    By the time goes by, I met lots of things, mostly the bad ones, and the more I met, I can fully understand this word clearly, of course , I cannot agree with it more.

    No matter what we do in the past has already past, we can do nothing for it; Though future may depend on our behaviors in the past and now, it is hard to predict whether it will go on our expected ways, too often it may go in a totally different way, which usually beyond our imaginations. What will we do if it comes? Que sera sera.  I have tried my best to fight for something, but I don’t know the result, what will I do? Whatever will be, will be.

    There are too many uncertainties in this world, we cannot fully prepare for the things that will come from time to time. The best things we can do is just whatever will be, will be. Things are seldom what they seem. We can only hope for the best , and prepare for the worst. If things are beyond our imaginations, we need no worry or scare, we just cope with them one by one. Things will always be out in their nature courses only if we have some patience and persistence.

    Que sera sera. When we armed with this very sword, things will go in an easy way.

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Reply teadrinking 2019-8-6 21:56
Uncertainties we cannot foresee, we can be ready for unexpected things if we consider the past and then we surely know the future. That is because we are in the life and learn a lot. Thanks for the shared song, I like it.

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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