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Shares Protect our mind
2013-10-26 21:41
There is our Chinese old saying like this, see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil(非礼勿视,非礼勿听,非礼勿言).It tells us that, for anything that may affect your sight, your listening and your words, stop it and keep away from it. For the right advice, it's never out ...
1530 views|4 replies Hot 3
Shares Wandering
2013-10-26 16:01
Every time when there is going to have my weekend, i feel quite happy. It's our time, and i like to havemore free time. Nowdays the business is not that busy, especially in Saturday, the music isplaying aside in the office. Everybody isdoing their own things online, me eit ...
1520 views|4 replies Hot 2
Shares Somebody told me a joke
2013-10-25 18:02
Before get off work, i share you a joke here, hehe, maybe it's not funny as you see it, anyway, i'm putting it here...... Two guyswere walking their lovely dogsin a street, onewas a big dog, onewas a mini dog, it wasnoon and time for lun ...
1687 views|10 replies Hot 6
Shares The most wise person in the world
2013-10-23 14:37
Solomon, the old Israel's king after David, was the most wise people in the world, was born in 1000 BC(short for "before Christ"), also about 3000 years till now. Here is a story about him from Bible. Two newborn babies weregaven birth to by two women in a hous ...
1601 views|2 replies Hot 1
Shares When i knew dog could swim
2013-10-23 11:48
The first time i knew dog could swim when i waswatching a TV play named The sino-japanese war, at that time, i was attending primary school. The naval officer Deng Shichang's warship was hit by torpedo and he sank into the water with the ship. The war came to an end at the result of o ...
1350 views|2 replies Hot 1
Shares Drops necklace
2013-10-22 16:40
Drops necklace
A masterpiece of nature, drops necklace
928 views|4 replies Hot 2
Shares A beautiful bird
2013-10-22 15:27
A beautiful bird
Except beautiful clothes, this bird has nice eyeliner~ Birds are free to fly where they want while man set barrier and boundary to stop it......
859 views|2 replies Hot 1
Shares A light song--come on over come on in
2013-10-18 22:25
A light song, wish you have a light mood...... get a life get a grip get away somewhere take a trip take a break take control take advice from someone you know come on over come on in pull up a seat take a load off your feet come on over come on in you can unwind take a load off your min ...
605 views|3 replies Hot 1
Shares A scripture
2013-10-17 22:42
Human being's wisdom cannot compared with God's wisdom. Take a look at the creations in the world. Take a look at this beautiful nature, God put the rivers here and put the mountains there, put the streams here and waterfall there,keep the birds in the sky and the fish in the se ...
791 views|5 replies Hot 2
Shares Spindrift in the sea
2013-9-30 14:05
No one can stop the footsteps of history, everyone of us is the member of thevast universe. No mater who you are, great people, ordinary people, clever people, absentminded people, wise people, mediocre people, healthy people,disabled people, talented people, untalented peo ...
631 views|6 replies Hot 3

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