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A Crush On Music

1178 views. 2012-9-3 20:59 |Individual Classification:chatters|

There're different versions of the opera. I love some amongst the others...
I don't know why I digged it out...I just thought of it, made a cope and sent it to a friend, who I haven't seen for quite a while... I don't kown if she has heard about it... She probably has, for she always digs deeper than I do (What a habit!)... If she hasn't, I would like her to have it... There is so much beauty in it that no words could precisely tell...

Post comment Comment (4 replies)

Reply Soar 2012-9-3 23:22
What a bizarre picture ! Thanks for your sharing
Reply Xrays 2012-9-5 03:53
Good music!
Reply samscri 2012-9-11 11:25
Soar: What a bizarre picture ! Thanks for your sharing
Hehehe...actually the music was inspired by the painting...
Reply samscri 2012-9-11 11:26
Xrays: Good music!
You've heard of it?

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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