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Shares A Crush On Music
2012-9-3 20:59
A Crush On Music
There're different versions of the opera. I love some amongst the others... I don't know why I digged it out...I just thought of it, made a cope and sent it to a friend, who I haven't seen for quite a while... I don't kown if she has heard about it... She probably has, for she al ...
Individual Classification: chatters|1413 views|4 replies
Shares Would She Reply
2012-8-19 22:00
I saw her wandering outside the window, with a smile...peaceful but vigorouse...A bit controdictory, isn’t it? Two of my colleagues whispered over the connor, wondering if she was someone’s girlfriend or... But neither of them had a certain answer, as they’d never seen her ...
Individual Classification: chatters|2659 views|9 replies
Shares The Girl In Red
2012-4-2 15:59
I always saw her at the bus station during the rush hours... Most of the time, she wore red, cotton, woolen, sweaters, shirts and dresses. You could guess how striking the color red could be among all the colors. Red must be her favorite color, I assumed... Judging from her age, she ...
Individual Classification: chatters|2111 views|21 replies
Shares Relationship
2011-12-24 06:04
Relationship... ... When we talk about relationship, we talk about the association between two or more people… It is either physical or mental… For physical stuff, it is always easier, because pleasure or not, your brain could clearly discriminate them… For mental stuff, it is a bit ...
Individual Classification: chatters|1614 views|12 replies
Shares Another Possibility
2011-12-11 05:50
Parallel Universed Theory...It’s not the first time we heard about the theory, actually we’re quite familiar with it… ...It states there are many universes parallel to our observable one. With the infinite of the universes and the finite of complexion of matters, the result of one event may v ...
1550 views|5 replies
Shares God Give Me You...
2011-11-21 04:48
"... God give me you for the ups and downs, God give me you for the days of doubt, ... ---Blake Shelton " It's not the first time I'm hearing this song, but everytime I do, Iam contented... ...Recently, I've read some blogs fromDioE, andit re ...
Individual Classification: chatters|1028 views|11 replies
Shares Friendship mistaken
2011-11-6 04:15
My little sister has really upset for the last few days. Bad temper, few words, no interets in anything at all...very obviouse symptom of losing a relationship...I just hope it's not about a boy. Because when it comes to a boy, it's always complicated... In order not to make her felt bein ...
906 views|9 replies
Shares My First Blog
2011-11-1 02:46
I'm thinking about putting somthing here for my first blog, because it's really clean here. But I've no idea what to type and where to start...So I'll just chatter around. It'snearly3 a.m. in the morning and I'm browing around like usual. Since I started the ...
Individual Classification: chatters|1420 views|23 replies

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