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couldn't cutting off love.

1102 views. 2011-12-5 21:45

only within two days, we had several quarrels with my love as a result of some piece of cakes.sometimes i think maybe i had made a mistake at the beginning which we don't fit very well each other.


though he is humor, serious ,responsible and love me deeply, i can't bear his some weakness and beyong control my bad mood when i see he always play close to the point of sleepless night. this make me feel that he is idling away his youth and break his favorable in my heart. so recently, i get more and more bored and disappointed to him. in the fact , i aslo know  he have been facing some enormous difficulties on his career and remain rest times at present.


i have no idea why my heart get colder and colder and couldn't find former warm and sweet.i am very confused that wether i really love him it right that my choice was made three years ago?why i couldn't love and concern him as he do? maybe i am really so selfish and numb that i can't  taste his deep love and love others. i am afraid that loneliness and numb will belong to me hereafter.


maybe, it is right choice to break up at time. but why my  heart always feel very hurt? love really make people happy, sad as well as sweet. after all, we had too many sweet memorys  since we met on the train three years ago.


finally, i couldn't lose him and cut off our love each other.

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Reply Candy.liu 2011-12-6 09:25
Cherish it when loved.
Reply Quncy 2011-12-6 15:30
Candy.liu: Cherish it when loved.
thank you for your advice, i think so . so we haven't broken up with him all the time. hope that my decision is right.
Reply snowflying 2011-12-6 20:37
dear girl, if you love him, you love his all including advantage and disadvantage. right? quarreling is normal, don't say farewell easily.
Reply loly90 2011-12-6 22:41
you two people love each other ,so happy a thing,hehe,cherish it
Reply bluephoebe 2011-12-7 07:18
No one is perfect. Love requires compromise, understanding, and mutual respect. when you feel unbearalbe to his shortcomings and wanna a breakup, please ask yourself first: Do you have anything he feel unbearable? How does he cope with that? Couples are suppose to fight over trivial things. Do not need to take it seriously. The point is both of us make efforts to work things out. Good luck
Reply Quncy 2011-12-7 17:03
bluephoebe: No one is perfect. Love requires compromise, understanding, and mutual respect. when you feel unbearalbe to his shortcomings and wanna a breakup, plea
thank you
Reply Quncy 2011-12-7 17:05
loly90: you two people love each other ,so happy a thing,hehe,cherish it
maybe sometimes i want to make him  perfect man very strongly.
Reply Quncy 2011-12-7 17:08
snowflying: dear girl, if you love him, you love his all including advantage and disadvantage. right? quarreling is normal, don't say farewell easily.
i will try my best to change myself's mind so that could accept his some shortcoming and disadvantage slowly.

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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