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Make a change

1245 views. 2012-8-5 16:43 |

       It had been a long time not to write something on my blog since I quitted my last job and went to a new company. One hand, I have too much to study and adapt everything in the new position ASAP, on the other hand, i have to take an hour to catch bus and cook myself after work. At the beginning, I feel tired and don’t want to do anything on the weekend. Recently I find I bcome lazier and lazier, not to go outside with my friends. It indeed is a bad behavior.

       I decide to have a change from the August. Come on,dany!Go on studying english and learning from anybody here.

Post comment Comment (15 replies)

Reply Geoff 2012-8-5 18:37
learning from you.
Reply yuanxiu 2012-8-5 19:18
Making a change can give you a wonderful and colorful life ...and by the way, how is your new job?
Reply Tina-lolly 2012-8-5 21:28
good girl.
Reply colin0126 2012-8-5 21:37
Wish your new job goes smooth and make a wonderful life .
"Make a change"make Obama be the president,and let's make a change. To be the president of our life.
Reply lgityt 2012-8-6 09:44
make a change to be the boss..
Reply danyduan 2012-8-6 21:47
Geoff: learning from you.
Together come on.
Reply danyduan 2012-8-6 21:48
yuanxiu: Making a change can give you a wonderful and colorful life ...and by the way, how is your new job?
It goes on well at least the current time.
Reply danyduan 2012-8-6 21:48
Tina-lolly: good girl.
Reply danyduan 2012-8-6 21:49
colin0126: Wish your new job goes smooth and make a wonderful life .
"Make a change"make Obama be the president,and let's make a change. To be the pres
To be the president of our life.  I like it.
Reply danyduan 2012-8-6 21:51
lgityt: make a change to be the boss..
I am on the way to through the mountain.Trying...
Reply shirleyytt2010 2012-8-7 14:06
One hour to get to work is a little tiring.
Reply yuanxiu 2012-8-7 18:11
danyduan: It goes on well at least the current time.
That is great ...
Reply 逍遥飞吧 2012-8-8 06:55
very good .
Reply danyduan 2012-8-8 21:15
shirleyytt2010: One hour to get to work is a little tiring.
Reply danyduan 2012-8-8 21:17
逍遥飞吧: very good .

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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