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New work new life

1559 views. 2012-8-5 17:38

         As my last blog have wrote, now I have a new work and it have started about two months. A new beginning always is following with excitement challenge and worry.

It is a lucky thing I find a job I have been eager to do. For that I give up my two years’ carriers in the hardware testing instead of to begin a new filed in the TV software. I know it is a little hard , but I still insist on it, I believe that I can do well in the field.

Though the property of the new company is the same as the last one, I find it has a lot of differences. For example, my instructor and manager is very kind and amiable to anyone, at the same time, the group member of mine is united and have more topics to communicate with others. The age of us is nearly close to others.

Of course, I also have an anxious problem. I always don’t find the information I want to know through the e-mail. I have thought my memory is better than others of my fellows. But I have to ask for help , it is really a lots of e-mail even if some of us I needn’t care about it. There are three items is carried out at the same time, so the progress and any details will be cc to me. I have to spend time to know it but forget it after a few minutes. Sometimes I ask a question to my colleague, she question that e-mail have said to us at some day and some time. I feel I am embarrassed because I have make this at least three times even if I am really serious to read anyone of them. Some worries is following with me. Do you have any advice to us? If you have one ,please kindly to share with us. Thank you!

However new work new life, I am going on this now. Hope everything goes well!

Post comment Comment (24 replies)

Reply Geoff 2012-8-5 18:28
You enter your company time soon, for some time to adapt, you will slowly get yourself.
Reply yuanxiu 2012-8-5 19:48
Sometimes people can't focus their eyes on matters ,Just because they don't get enough sleep time and plentiful rest. Maybe what you should get is giving  you a few days to relax. Maybe you will find the enthusiasm of working after relaxing yourself ...Good luck ...
Reply Tange 2012-8-5 20:34
what is the name of your new position in new company?  is it need english skill in work?
Reply ac2smart 2012-8-5 21:39
all the best,just believe in yourself, you can do it !!
Reply JMZ 2012-8-6 09:33
It is the begining of your new work, maybe not so familiar with it, not find a way that fits you personally to deal with it..Once you are fit, you will better and better
Reply michaelyi 2012-8-6 10:24
You will receive many email of non your business in company, I think it would be two reasons in here:1.some staffs enjoin to send email to everyone weather it is non of your business;2. it is related to you some staff think.
So I would like to suggest you: don't mind this issues,just fouced your work and familiar with it.

Hope the best with you and your work!
Reply danyduan 2012-8-6 21:34
Geoff: You enter your company time soon, for some time to adapt, you will slowly get yourself.
Thanks for your trust, guys.
Reply danyduan 2012-8-6 21:36
yuanxiu: Sometimes people can't focus their eyes on matters ,Just because they don't get enough sleep time and plentiful rest. Maybe what you should get is giv
Happy to see you again, xiao pengyou.Good luck to you too.
Reply danyduan 2012-8-6 21:39
Tange: what is the name of your new position in new company?  is it need english skill in work?
Alco.I don't know whether you know it.To english seldom in my work except replying e-mail.Study english is only my interest.
Reply danyduan 2012-8-6 21:40
ac2smart: all the best,just believe in yourself, you can do it !!
Thanks my dear friend.Happy to get to know you.
Reply danyduan 2012-8-6 21:42
JMZ: It is the begining of your new work, maybe not so familiar with it, not find a way that fits you personally to deal with it..Once you are fit, you wil
Yes I will.Trying to do it ASAP.
Reply danyduan 2012-8-6 21:46
michaelyi: You will receive many email of non your business in company, I think it would be two reasons in here:1.some staffs enjoin to send email to everyone we
I am glad to get your analysis.TKS!As what you said,maybe i should forcus on my work and adapt it ASAP.Best wishes to you.
Reply shirleyytt2010 2012-8-7 14:04
I hope you are happy with  your new job, best wishes.
Reply yuanxiu 2012-8-7 18:01
What ?  xiao pengyou , You can call me little child ...Haha ..  Just a kidding...THis xiao pengyou never give up studying english,wish you too
Reply Tange 2012-8-7 19:36
danyduan: Alco.I don't know whether you know it.To english seldom in my work except replying e-mail.Study english is only my interest.
the fresh name , Alco ,  i never heard about it .
Reply 逍遥飞吧 2012-8-8 06:50
wish you happy and lucky in your job . dear .
Reply danyduan 2012-8-8 21:09
shirleyytt2010: I hope you are happy with  your new job, best wishes.
thanks shiirley
Reply danyduan 2012-8-8 21:10
yuanxiu: What ?  xiao pengyou , You can call me little child ...Haha ..  Just a kidding...THis xiao pengyou never give up studying english,wish you too
Reply danyduan 2012-8-8 21:11
逍遥飞吧: wish you happy and lucky in your job . dear .
Reply danyduan 2012-8-8 21:14
Tange: the fresh name , Alco ,  i never heard about it .
It is not a famous company in shenzhen.

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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