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I hope that

1620 views. 2012-8-13 21:06

I hope that  i can insist on studying english half an hour or one hour every day.
I hope that  i can master my work ASAP and achieve my value ASAP.
I hope my family and relatives understand our situation,life is not easy to us.
I hope me happy every day and the ones i know are happy as same as me.

Post comment Comment (12 replies)

Reply Richardren 2012-8-13 21:24
i wish all of your hopes will come ture
Reply danyduan 2012-8-13 22:00
Richardren: i wish all of your hopes will come ture
  Thank you.
Reply moli 2012-8-14 11:25
Don't put pressure on you in learning English.
Reply ac2smart 2012-8-14 15:15
just keep going!
Reply fleaf 2012-8-14 19:50
It's a long journey in learning english. So take it easy , your dreams will come true finally
Reply danyduan 2012-8-14 20:28
moli: Don't put pressure on you in learning English.
I will.thanks.
Reply danyduan 2012-8-14 20:28
ac2smart: just keep going!
Reply danyduan 2012-8-14 20:31
fleaf: It's a long journey in learning english. So take it easy , your dreams will come true finally
Yes you are right.Persist on studying.
Reply Tange 2012-8-14 22:04
i hope you can acheive your sueccss in soon
Reply danyduan 2012-8-16 22:34
Tange: i hope you can acheive your sueccss in soon
Thank you tange
Reply shirleyytt2010 2012-8-18 14:57
Just do it and you will get a lot, of course ,life is not easy for young people. Everyone has his or her own pressure.
Reply danyduan 2012-8-18 20:14
shirleyytt2010: Just do it and you will get a lot, of course ,life is not easy for young people. Everyone has his or her own pressure.
  Yes it is.

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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