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chicken feet

684 views. 2012-12-27 15:33

i heard foreigners never eat this kind of things, and you even cannot see them,such as fish head or chicken head, but in china it's so common. when i lived with my parents, my mom never cook with the head or feet, it's kind of frightening when you eat and a head there stare at you. 

it was my colleague time, one day i went to the super market with my frind and we found that there some spicy  chicken feet were quite catche, a lot of people around the counter and buy some chicken feet, i was curious to try, from  the try, i really fall in love with the chicken feet. and they say chicken feet are full of collagen which is especially good to women's skin. some one think it's gross to eat chicken feet because its tiny bones, some one prefer Duck neck, it's my cup of tea too, i don't mind how spicy it is.  

and you see, several of my colleagues are from Wuhan, their family always mail some duck neck and chicken feet to us, we all enjoy that very much, a group of people eat together around a big table, eat and chat. Ha~ 

Post comment Comment (10 replies)

Reply hirondelle 2012-12-27 15:51
That's why our Chinese food is the most delicious all of the world. The westeners cannot understand our long and rich cuisine history.
Reply Tange 2012-12-27 16:20
always , the delicious food is attractive for women.
Reply loly90 2012-12-27 22:15
I like to eat fish head, chicken feet and duck neck, haha
Reply warmjaney 2012-12-28 11:12
Wuhan, it's famous for Duck neck, Zhou Heiya; Wow, my mouth is watering now.
Reply lijuanandrea 2012-12-28 11:55
loly90: I like to eat fish head, chicken feet and duck neck, haha
,so i am not alone
Reply loly90 2012-12-28 21:39
lijuanandrea: ,so i am not alone
Haha, of course you are not alone, but i can't eat spicy goods too much, just a little is ok for me, haha
Reply hirondelle 2012-12-28 21:53
warmjaney: Wuhan, it's famous for Duck neck, Zhou Heiya; Wow, my mouth is watering now.
There is also a subway station called Zhou Heiya in Wuhan, which has recently attracted people's attention on the net.
Reply warmjaney 2012-12-29 10:12
Really? Just heard of subway in Wuhan is opening recently, it's nice for such development. Sorry for that cannot reply just comment.
Reply 逍遥飞吧 2012-12-30 08:48
before long our roommates fell love in the chicken feet too . it is delicious .
Reply lijuanandrea 2012-12-30 10:04
逍遥飞吧: before long our roommates fell love in the chicken feet too . it is delicious .

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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