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The compressor

Hot 3733 views. 2013-7-28 17:05

Today is my first day to write blog on the net after I started to work .I hope that I can write somethings about my  life and work everyday. now,I want to introduce something about my work.The compressor is the heart of refrigeration system,and it is a fluid machiner that promoting to high prssure gas to low prossure gas. It sucts low temperature low pessure refrigerat gas from air suction pipe , and a piston, which run by a motor, compresses it.the exhaust pipes of high temperature and high pressure refrigerant gas, to provide power for refrigeration cycle, so as to realize the compression and the condensation - inflation - evaporation refrigeration cycle (heat)


Post comment Comment (3 replies)

Reply Tange 2013-7-28 21:54
professional work ..
Reply ocean0721 2013-7-29 12:25
Wow, it's too professional. Which city do you work in?
Reply sunnyv 2013-7-29 16:47
It is a bit technical but useful information. I have always wondered how the refrigerator and airconditioner provides cooling effect.

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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