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Shocking Prison Secret-What Not to Do the First Day in Prison

578 views. 2018-5-23 10:55

First day of prison,they say pick out the biggest , baddest, meanest looking convict in the courtyard, and fuck him up.
That way , the other prisoners know not to fuck with you .
I wish people would stop beating me up on their first day of prison.
Yeah, I know I`m big ,I look bad and mean,but I`m here for mail fraud,dude!
I don`t even know how to fight!
I only got this big because I`m a stress eater. 
Mama says the only thing bigger than my stomach is my heart.
It`s gotten so bad ,even the Aryan Brotherhood is stepping in to break up my ass kickings.
If you could play this vido for the new convicts,it`d really help me out .
Please don`t hurt me.
I really can`t take it anymore.
My hands shake so bad.
It`s getting harder to knit.
I`m making scarves for all the new inmates.
How you gonna beat up a man gifting you handmade seasonal accessories?
Damn it

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facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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