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Our Almighty God

921 views. 2012-7-2 03:43

Every day we are focusing on how to get money, or hot to get more money, so as to let us small potatoes in a society like China to have a shield from rain and sun, wind and cold, which costs us a whole life of day-and-night hard working, a heart free of any faith which is the unalienable favor of God, except the faith in the almighty power of money, and a body like an almighty machine running more than 8 hours a day, 7 days a week. What is life? Life totally is farce; money is its almighty God.

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Reply lgityt 2012-7-2 12:39
Money is not  almighty but that is absolutely out of the question without money............
Reply raicy 2012-7-2 12:46
Are you a Christian?
Reply AnnaLu 2012-7-2 14:21
In different situation , you can have different minds about the problem . Maybe money is not representing everything , but in our daily life , we can't live without it . You need to be positive .
Reply Davidsun 2012-7-2 21:02
lgityt: Money is not  almighty but that is absolutely out of the question without money............
Well...actually I am not talking about the basic level of life. I am sure most of us Chinese nowadays have more enough to feed ourselives confortably; but when it comes to the spiritual needs, it seems we still have a long way to go to reach the subsistence level. That's why many people, especially these workaholics, feel the heaviness of life after work, and the empty inner world. I have been working with Christians and muslims for several years now, I know how happy these they are with something to believe in.
Reply Davidsun 2012-7-3 04:26
raicy: Hi,
Are you a Christian?
ur.....I wish I could be...
Reply raicy 2012-7-3 12:44
Oh... hehe...

I started to believe in Jesus last year : )
Reply Davidsun 2012-7-4 02:09
raicy: Oh... hehe...

I started to believe in Jesus last year : )
You are lucky that you have found "somebody" to believe in.
Reply raicy 2012-7-4 14:07
I saw this title of your journal so I came to read it.
Do you believe that there is One God?
Reply Davidsun 2012-7-4 21:52
raicy: I saw this title of your journal so I came to read it.
Do you believe that there is One God?
I believe there is the God who is the spirit of god. I believe in God, the spirit of god.

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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