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Belated New Year Greeting

1116 views. 2013-1-3 06:21 |

Believe me, all my friends, 2013 is doomed to be a great year, for we all have seen each other through 2012, the so-called Doomsday of the whole world.
In 2012, we would have much sorrow and sadness, less happiness and luckiness, among many others. However, no matter what we have had in 2012, let's all just wrap them all up and ring them out, and ring in the greater 2013.
Here in DioEnglish, I may the new year bring all my friends here ample moments to enjoy more their life and work. I wish we all could progress every day, share more, and be more open to new ways of life. I firmly believe you all are gonna make a difference in 2013, wishing you all the best in 2013. 

Post comment Comment (6 replies)

Reply lgityt 2013-1-3 09:19
In 2012, I have had much happiness and luckiness,less sorrow and sadness.
Reply Tange 2013-1-3 12:03
faith is interesting when it come true
Reply Davidsun 2013-1-5 02:58
lgityt: In 2012, I have had much happiness and luckiness,less sorrow and sadness.
That's good. Congratulations!
Reply rjjean 2013-1-5 15:58
2012 has passed. but i know 2013 will be another different story.
Reply Davidsun 2013-1-6 06:57
rjjean: 2012 has passed. but i know 2013 will be another different story.
wishing you a great story in 2013.
Reply rjjean 2013-1-6 15:24
Davidsun: wishing you a great story in 2013.
Thanks. The same to you

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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