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On the Move

957 views. 2020-1-11 21:12

Laptop broke down. I had to be hurry.  It started raining a few steps outdoors, drizzle at first and then more than drizzle… 

Navigating for a Lenovo shop exhausted the last percent of the phone power so that I had to wait for a 5% recharge in the service centre before receiving the code number to invigorate Micrsoft Office.

On my way back,  the bus broke down, its passengers all off to squeez into the coming one, a warm big crowd! “Just settle down wherever you are,”I groped the bag and pockets in vain for my MP3 to relax a bit when I remembered it left on my desk. 

It’s not a chain of reaction on a Saturday afternoon; it’s just one of those reminders that I am not always on the smooth move. 

Thankfully, my laptop is on the move again. 

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facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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