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  • “Haven’t seen him for a week”motorbiketaxi driver Hu,“Maybe ill,in his 70s.”9 days later this morn a sweeper:“Too hot to come he said.I saw him here yester.”I know I can still enjoy his Shaobin ... Reply
  • A heavy shower over,Dr Z sat on a bench by the slide smoking leisurely,a tea bottle beside.I mentioned DH park,he said:“Long time no go.It’s cooler,I’ll be there,some of them are suspicious if not. ... Reply
  • It is money that is hot.Ms He added after telling us her pleasant night in a shopping mall last Sunday:I got only 60yuan yest,I’ve to work.A security in the subway said:I never take days off,no money ... Reply
  • Two-child families like their children to be a boy & a girl. Yet in my eyes, two boys, grown up together in competition and cooperation, are more likely to be a“great vessel”. Reply
  • Ms He is a paradox.She mumbles often on coming in or before leaving:Time flies…Yester she came in sweat all  over: What a day! She then added lightheartedly: No worry, heat will be over in 2 months. Reply
  • Real Name刘健平
  • GenderMale
  • Birthday1960 -
  • HoroscopeCapricorn
  • Birthplace山东 潍坊
  • Residence江苏 南京
  • Blood TypeO

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  • jpliu: “Haven’t seen him for a week”motorbiketaxi driver Hu,“Maybe ill,in his 70s.”9 days later this morn a sweeper:“Too hot to come he said.I saw him here yester.”I know I can still enjoy his Shaobin ... 7-26 19:40
  • jpliu: A heavy shower over,Dr Z sat on a bench by the slide smoking leisurely,a tea bottle beside.I mentioned DH park,he said:“Long time no go.It’s cooler,I’ll be there,some of them are suspicious if not. ... 7-25 08:37
  • jpliu: It is money that is hot.Ms He added after telling us her pleasant night in a shopping mall last Sunday:I got only 60yuan yest,I’ve to work.A security in the subway said:I never take days off,no money ... 7-24 10:14
  • jpliu: Two-child families like their children to be a boy & a girl. Yet in my eyes, two boys, grown up together in competition and cooperation, are more likely to be a“great vessel”. 7-23 19:20
  • jpliu: Ms He is a paradox.She mumbles often on coming in or before leaving:Time flies…Yester she came in sweat all  over: What a day! She then added lightheartedly: No worry, heat will be over in 2 months. 7-21 13:32
Climbing is Climbing 2022-11-30
Mt Emei, a stock listed on Shanghai stock exchange, is really hopeless. At least till today.  I first bought it below 7 Yuan on broking ...
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The Art of Complaint 2022-06-25
“ Dig again!”Yet I do not complain in public. Instead I respond to the apologies of drilling workers outside the unit I live: “Convenience ...
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A Key Talk 2021-09-15
Now my turn comes to be forgetful.   This morning no sooner had I closed the door than I remember my key was inside. Things like this h ...
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Like Grandfather, Like Granddaughter 2020-08-30
Waiting at bus stop near Zijinshan   telpher  this morning, I heard a man in his 70s boasting of his granddaughter  (follow ...
(1043) Views|(1) Replies
Men in Vigilance 2020-07-10
With two fried leek pies & a cup of soybean milk, I slipped through the small door into the community DT Homeland, the only side gate convenien ...
(981) Views|(0) Replies

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