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Real Business

Hot 12187 views. 2020-2-13 16:35

Kept indoors for days, many ladies are busily finding something to do, say, to let a broom stand on end.  

Except daughter,who, busily preparing for an exam, told me:“Review textbooks really matters.” “Aren’t you already an engineer since last December?”I asked. “That’s different, you don’t understand," she dismissed me with a smile, "That’s for the company only.”Later she elaberated on it as saying that what she was busily preparing was rather for engineering consulting than simply for a title as last year’s: “It‘s a certificate enabling you for an engineering consulting even if you change your job”. 

Oh yes, the former one is an empty business, this one a real business. I now understand.   

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Reply Xtasy 2022-9-5 23:36
Haha, I like your vignette. Please write more!

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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