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“What fruit is it?”I saw 2 students of 6B reaching for something up a tree.“Kind of a berry,”one said. “Eatable?” “You can before into the ICU,”she said carelessly.
2024-6-13 11:31 Reply|
We are quite used to be late for minutes or hours. Yet late for a day is more often than not costly. You don’t expect people to buy Zongzi and mugwort the day after the dragon boat festival, do you?
2024-6-10 09:29 Reply|
More & more children are now seen present outside the sites of the entrance examinations with their parents to support their brother/sister examinees.
2024-6-9 05:18 Reply|
I had for breakfast Youtiao with soymilk made home which is felt a bit thick.Similarly I feel the Jiaozi or wonton from restaurants lack fillings while those made at home have a bit too much fillings
2024-5-30 08:55 Reply|
Busy hours start after 7:00am when more and more family cars streaming out on the road. A man is seen in front of the wheel of a “Ora Black Cat” followed by a black sedan driven by a lady in glasses ...
2024-5-29 08:34 Reply|
For a photo without persons in sight, we sometimes have to wait before taking a snapshot. For that reason, I prefer to take morning pictures in high summer and night scenes in deep winter.
2024-5-26 20:08 Reply|
Haircut in the morn by Master Liu of over 70.“You live to work,”I said.“I hesitate to pay for a membership fee of 20000,otherwise I’ll join in migratory elders,haircut tools with me of course.” ...
2024-5-23 21:05 Reply|
“Cost-effective applies to your study.If a subject doubles your time & effort,you’ve to ask yourself if it’s worth your diligence.You’re young & you’ll count.”I said to a junior highschool girl ...
2024-5-22 21:51 Reply|
Daughter spends the day writing several reports on a website.Only a few years ago she often asked me on“How to say in English”.No longer now.AI that does it all for her knocks me down for good.
2024-5-15 19:13 Reply|
A mom seen with her tot near where I live.“A lot of advantages for parents to tend kid”“I’m at home,other times he’s left for my parents.Can’t be with him all day,he makes you crazy,”she said. ...
2024-5-12 09:17 Reply|
“The house is less than 200 sqm,but the total floor space is half a ‘mu’.”“My apartment is measured the other way round.”(My dialogue with the owner in front of her resettlement house)
2024-5-1 08:28 Reply|
A mom comforts another mom whose boy’s overall performance only average:The rule is even if your entrance exam not up to the level with math superb you’re still enrolled directly to choose math only ...
2024-4-30 13:38 Reply|
Street scenes often impress me with the fact that I'm old as in the case of this morning when I saw groups of students on their way to school: " Today is Sunday, isn't it? Then why?"
2024-4-28 08:13 Reply|

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