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you are a afraid man

584 views. 2012-6-24 21:00 |

You are a afraid man
Yes, as you have your own target
And make great effort for it
I should go ahead to come up with you
Then we can have the connection with each other
Hope that can come earlier
I will hug with you to build up the life belong to us
All we should to be a man with a goal
The life is so short for us
Something should be remembered when we leave the earth
Yes, the child of you will continue your life
But the thing of yourself is more important
So to be yourself and do something
You will have a great expreince
Do not know what I have said
Just remind myself to endeavor for life

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Post comment Comment (4 replies)

Reply Kimi011812 2012-6-26 17:15
People who has his or her own target is "horrible", coz he or she will do great and unexpected things and one day u find u'll fall behind for a long time. Let's strive for our life.
Reply 如主文 2012-7-17 23:24
Wow, we're fellow citizen. aha.
Reply sandywang1229 2012-7-22 20:55
如主文: Wow, we're fellow citizen. aha.
YES, I come from Honghu, glad to know you. Hope we can become friends.
Reply 如主文 2012-7-23 09:16
sandywang1229: YES, I come from Honghu, glad to know you. Hope we can become friends.
Wow, so close, I come from Jianli.

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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