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Shares Out of character
2021-11-3 17:44
I have social phobia. It’s hard to tell whether it is written in my genes or I just got it from somewhere in my childhood. The thing is, I suffer from debilitating nerves whenever I have to talk to a stranger. The fact that I got sick retired and have a whole two-years’ to myself has just m ...
Individual Classification: Fairytale|806 views|1 replies Hot 1
Shares A surprise
2021-10-25 18:56
This morning I attended an awarding ceremony that I guess every parent would be more than happy to attend: awarding ceremony for the students. My son was awarded excellent students ( 学霸奖 ) for ranking as a top three in his class—the best performance he ever achiev ...
Individual Classification: Mummy's Whisper|788 views|2 replies Hot 2
Shares Dilimma
2021-10-22 11:56
Anxiety started to form in my chest. It was building up and then exploded like a grenade. Hands trembling, I swallowed all of those pills down. Perhaps it’s just trepidation, perhaps I was imagining it, but I did feel my stomach churning like a washing machine. Calm down, not that s ...
Individual Classification: C dairy|817 views|1 replies Hot 1
Shares Me
2021-10-20 11:32
Pessimistic and optimistic; determined and indecisive; strong and week; organized and messy; lazy and hard-working, all of these opposite traits can be found in one person—Me.Perhaps I have split-personalities and sometimes I do feel like that there are two persons living inside my body ...
Individual Classification: Daily Life|849 views|1 replies Hot 1
Shares Being happy is a choice
2021-9-12 17:59
Abraham Lincoln once said: “Most people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be”. If I read this sentence two years ago, I might shrug it off: Another sentence is beautiful written but actually meaningless. How could happiness be merely a choice? If it ...
Individual Classification: Daily Life|802 views|3 replies Hot 3
Shares Creative Writing--The Fall
2021-8-23 18:00
Describe what the fall season would be like from the perspective of a tree: The fall is coming. I hear it. I see it. I feel it. I can hear it in the whining of cicada —the countdown to the summer day. They are saying goodbye to this world with the ...
Individual Classification: Fairytale|707 views|2 replies Hot 2
Shares Creative Writing Practice 1
2021-8-8 14:27
以Every time a dog barks, something unusual happens.......开头写一篇短文 Every time a dog barks, something unusual happens....... Seriously. Babe is a silent, magic dog. She seldom barks, but whenever she does, something unusual happens. ...
Individual Classification: Fairytale|522 views|2 replies Hot 2
Shares Enough is enough
2021-7-29 14:56
Dear Dr. Hodges: You don’t know me. That’s fine, because you are just a tool person that I borrow from Elisabeth in What Alice forgot, a ‘person’ that I can be bitchy to without feeling sorry or embarrassed about being bitchy. And you are ...
Individual Classification: C dairy|738 views|1 replies Hot 1
Shares Murphy's law
2021-4-14 16:34
Murphy's law again turned out to be true. The last experience of buying my lifeline medicine has cast a shadow over my heart. I was worried that something else might go wrong this time. So I decide to buy it a week in advance, even there was something wrong, I still got time to make it right ...
Individual Classification: C dairy|756 views|2 replies Hot 2
Shares Forced to be a trouble maker
2021-3-24 14:33
Yesterday I spent a whole day at hospital, from 10:00 am to 17:00 pm, finishing a mission impossible---to buy the medicine I need to curb my cancer. “How hard could it be?”” You are thinking too much.” “You complicate things, like always. “Before we go to the ho ...
Individual Classification: C dairy|837 views|2 replies Hot 1

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