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meijin's Space [Favorites] [Copy] [Shares] [RSS]


Shares depress
2009-6-21 20:26
After checking the answer of Master Degree English Test of Coequal College Levelthis year,I lost my heart deeply.Ican not pass it in general.
307 views|4 replies
Shares busy
2009-6-21 20:19
It is a busy day today.The number of patients who suffer from Hand-Foot-Mouthdisease add up to 42.The vise-president liu and li hold a urgent meeting to discuss how to expand wards for the increasing patients.
288 views|2 replies
Shares happy
2009-6-20 22:13
Today I am happy to join dioenglish. I hope to improve my English through it.But how can I do that?
334 views|3 replies

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